Hi I'm Entrigue, I'm fairly new at this so any tips or comments will be appreciated.

This page is dedicated to my favorite poet...Helen Steiner Rice. I have found much comfort and relief through her works. This first entry is a prayer she said daily. Maybe it will be suited for you as well.

Bless me, Heavenly Father,
Forgive my erring ways.
Grant me strength to serve Thee,
Put purpose in my days...
Give me understanding
Enough to make me kind
So I may judge all people
With my heart and not my mind...
And teach me to be patient
In everything I do,
Content to trust Your wisdom
And to follow after You...
And help me when I falter
And hear me when I pray
And recieve me in Thy Kingdom
To dwell with Thee some day.
May her prayer become yours, and may each of these poems draw you closer to His Love.

And Somebody like You
can "turn the trick,"
For our lives are empty
and our world is "sick"...
We have lost our morals
and our principals, too.
And with no purpose in life
we are lonely and blue...
We need Somebody very much
who has a warm and friendly touch
To make us suddenly aware
that there are those who really care!

Love is like magic.
And it always willl be,
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!

Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there is nothing in life
That love cannot change!

Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace!

Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!

Love is the answer
That everyone seeks-
Love is the language
That every heart speaks-
Love can't be bought,
It's priceless and free,
Love like pure magic
Is a sweet mystery!

Where there is love the heart is light,
Where there is love the day is bright,
Where there is love there is a song
To help when things are going wrong...
Where there is love there is a smile
To make all things seem more worth while,
Where there is love there's quiet peace,
A tranquil place where turmoil cease__
Love changes darkness into light
And makes the heart take "wingless flight"...
Oh, blest are they who walk in love,
They also walk with God above--
And when you walk with God each day
And kneel together when you pray,
Your marriage will be truly blest
And God will be your daily "Guest"--
And love that once seemed yours alone,
God gently blends into His Own.

It's not the things that can be bought
that are life's richest treasure,
It's just the little "heart gifts"
that money cannot measure...
A cheerful smile, a friendly word,
a sympathetic nod
Are priceless little treasures
from the store house of our God...
They are the things that can't be bought
with silver or with gold,
For thoughtfulness and kindness
and love are never sold...
They are the priceless things in life
for which no one can pay,
And the giver finds rich recompense
in giving them away.

What is love?
No words can define it.
It's somthing so great
Only God could design it.
Wonder of Wonders,
Beyond man's conception,
And only in God
Can love find true perfection.
For love means much more
Than small words can express,
For what man calls love
Is so very much less
Than the beauty and depth
And the true richness of
God's gift to mankind--
His compassionate love.
For love has become
A word that's misused,
Peverted, distorted,
And often abused
To speak of "light romance"
Or some affinity for
A passing attraction
That is seldom much more
Than a mere interlude
Of inflamed fascination,
A romantic fling
Of no lasting duration
But love is enduring
And patient and kind.
It judges all things
With the heart, and not the mind.
And love can transform
The most common place
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace
For love is unselfish,
Giving more than it takes,
And no matter what happens
Love never forsakes.
It's faithful and trusting
And always believing,
Guileless and honest
And never deceiving
Yes, love is beyond
What man can define,
For love is Immortal
And God's Gift is Divine!

The priceless gift of life is love,
For with the help of God above
Love can change the human race
And make this world a better place--
For love disolves all hate and fear
And makes our vision bright and clear
So we can see and rise above
Our pettiness on "wings of love."

Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater then a mountianmade of gold--
For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear,
And in the time of trouble it is powerless to cheer--
It has no ears to listen, no heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helpig hand--
So when you ask God for a gift, be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds, pearls, or riches, but the love of real true friends.

Among the great and glorious gifts
our Heavenly Father sends
Is the gift of understanding
We find in loving friends,
For in this world of trouble
that is filled with anxious care
Everybody needs a friend
with whom they're free to share
The little secret heartaches
that lay heavy on their mind,
Not just a mere acquaintance
but someone who's "just our kind"--
For, somehow, in the generous hearts
of loving, faithful friends
The good God in His charity
and wisdom always sends
A sense of understanding
and the power of perception
And mixes these fine qualities
with kindness and affection
So when we need some sympathy
or a friendly hand to touch,
Or an ear that listens tenderly
and speaks words that mean so much,
We seek our true and trusted friend
in the knowledge we'll find
A heart that's sympathetic
and an understanding mind...
And often just without a word
there seems to be a union
Of thoughts and kindred feelings
for God gives true friends communion

God, open my eyes so I may see
And feel Your presence close to me...
Give me strength fo my stumbling feet
As I battle the crowd on life's busy street,
And widen the vision of my unseeing eyes
So in passing faces I'll recognize
Not just a stranger, unloved and unknown,
But a friend with a heart that is much like my own...
Give me perception to make me aware
That scattered profousely on life's thoroughfare
Are the best gifts of God that we daily pass by
As we look at the world with an unseeing eye.

More Poetry

Would you like to know more about Moses, the Exodus and events in Egypt? Did you know Rameses 2nd was not the Pharaoh of the Exodus? A New book by Reseach Authors William & Maxine Smith reveals that Amenhotep 2nd was Pharaoh of the Exodus. Their book,

The Josephus Solution

also reveals the woman Pharaoh Hatshepsut as Moses' adopted Egyptian mother. Fasinating new archaeological information is revealed in this exciting new book.

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