
Jose L. Librodo's

Watercolor Paradise

"Wait for this picture to load or comeback later to enjoy the spectacle!"


I'm always amazed, enthralled and awed by the beauty of the things that surround us, and I have always attempted to record through my art their appealing freshness and share my visions to anybody who cares!

Likewise, I'm appalled by the rate of destruction the we inflict on them. Why destroy when we can enjoy their existence? Only if we could slow down with our daily chores and take time to look at them closely. However small or immense they could be, they are vulnerable to our whims!

Finally, I invite you to see them through my eyes, my visions are attempts to immortalize them so that the future generation will be able to have glimpses of these visual spectacles in case we failed to preserve them.

Thank you,

Jose L. Librodo


My Paintings

I do attempt to paint a wide variety of subjects, using a lot of media, though my fascination with transparent watercolor still eclipses all the others. It's the spontaneity and almost "living" character of the wet watercolor paint that hooked me. Here I present to you my "obra maestras".



Underwater Scene


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I'm currently a teacher at Ruamrudee International School, Bangkok, Thailand - teaching both High School Art and Choral Music. I do emphasize in my teaching the intrinsic value of all living things that surround us. . . appreciation of beauty among others! That the blissful pleasure that these things offer to us, is tantamount to our struggle in preserving them.

My love of music and art allows some opportunity for me to have glimpses of perfection. It'ss always a struggle to linger in that dimension but the experience is one that I really cherish, thus, I yearn for more! With a brush on one hand, and the piano keyboard on the other, with one purpose in mind - to recreate those rare and amazing insights hence, I share it with you.

I originally came from Lambunao, Iloilo Philippines! The Fiesta Islands of the Pacific.



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Comments & Suggestions

Please send me an e-mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it. If you wan't some help about watercolor painting don't hesitate to ask me through email.

E-Mail Address:

Home Address: 37/235 Chokechai City Complex, Ramkamhaeng 184, Minburi / Bangkok, Thailand

School Address: Ruamrudee International School / 4 Soi Moo 4, Ramkamhaeng-Sukapibal 3 Road / Minburi, Bangkok / Thailand

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Watercolor Paradise - October 11, 1997
Last revised: October 15, 1997
Created by: Jose L. Librodo