Hanson Lan'...
I just added a little bit of stuff here and there. Check the bottom of da page.

There's a new club. Go here for info.

What's in a Hanson Name? Find Out! Go  here! 

I updated Appearances

I added another of story.

I have a new award winner.

I put on a lot (LOT) more links and stuff. (see right)

Cool news right here.
Hey, um, I'm sorry but I had something wrong with this news. I corrected it, though. I added yet another detail to this!

Hello My name is Stacie the New owner of this page, I will not be able to update all the time because most of my time is devoted to "L.A.S hanson Page"

Its a really Bussy page.

Um some Movie News: A really cool movie is "Half Baked" its rox and CD news besides Hanson is the Bullworth soundtrack. Its awsome

Coming Soon:
More Hanson stories
A good update!!
Appearances update

I would really like to hear what you think about my homepage. Is there something else you would like to see here????? Have you written a poem or story about Hanson???? Would you like your homepage on here?????? Do you have a homepage banner??? You are ALLOWED to e-mail me you know!!! 
baby blue 

I decided I have too many Appearances so I made appearances homepage. Check it out and see if Hanson will be near you.
Um, I am having trouble finding appearances, so if anyone has any RECENT ones, will you send them to me at  Baby_Blue56@yahoo.com Thanks!
Hi. This is where I write whatever I feel like.  I decided I would put my old background image in this block. Do you like it?? I made it  myself.
YEAH!!! I have Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere!!! I LOVE it!!
Hey I know all you people want to contact Hanson. So here are a few addresses to mail or email.  


c/o Mercury Records 

11150 Santa Monica Blvd., #1000 

Los Angeles, CA 90025 


c/o Hitz List 

P.O Box 703136 

Tulsa, OK 74170 








Yea!!! As of Saturday, January 17, I own the OFFICIAL Hanson book!!!
Go here to get some info

Hello! My awards page is finally up! It shows awards I have won and the pages that have won my award! It also gives a sample of my award!! Do you want to win my award?? If so... Go to my awards page!!!!
Umm, goto my stories page.

Guess What???? Diana and Walker Hanson had a baby girl named Zoe Ginevere on January 14th, 8:20 PM at St. John's Hospital in Tulsa, OK!!! She weighed seven pounds, six ounces!!! Awesome!!!
Go to my new page, What's in a Hanson Name?

Um, there is a Boycott MTV Club. You should go here.


I have a page about  so If you need to know some stuff on me. 

I have some rare pics with Hanson in 'em. Go here to view them. 

Read my Dreambook if you want!! :o) Sometimes when I can't update my page I put important messages in it.
Sign my Dreambook pretty please! People who sign it are cool! I really like to get feedback back about my homepage. Please tell me what you think! If you give me your homepage addy I promise I will go to it!

Stuff I have to put on here:
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I'm a Pro Hanson! ( People really obsessed with Hanson )
You are free to take whatever you want from this page.  I mean, I don't own everything on here. Hardly anything did get myself. I got everything from someone else's page. Just please don't claim it to be your own, -K-??? Also, you don't have to, but please put a link up to my page from yours.