Our Page of Love

Greetings and welcome to our page! We are
Psychy (James) and RavenGirl (Jeanette). We
were friends for over a year on the
internet before we started living
together and have been through a lot
together since we actually met in February 1999.

After some discussion in our favorite chat room,
we decided to put together a page for all of
those who are in love, looking for love, or
just plain like romance. We would like to hear
the stories of how you met your true love,
poetry about love (or even getting hurt by love),
links to sites, etc.

Sit back and enjoy our page!!!

Look we won 2 awards!!!!

This page was last updated August 22, 2000

Our Son is Born*NEW*
A Little Personal Info. About Us*
Our Story
Poetry about Love
Poetry For James
Poetry For Jeanette
Ways to say I love you
Precious Thoughts of Your Loved One
Jeanette's favorite poems
James' Netlink Page
See our faces!

Read our Dreambook!
Sign our Dreambook!

We would love to hear from you. Got a poem,
suggestion, how did you fall in love, etc.
e-mail one of us!!

Psychy (James) or RavenGirl (Jeanette)

©1999 - 2000 Please ask permssion before using any
material contained on this website

The song you hear is "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. Click here for the lyrics to this song.

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