The Unnamed UnFAQ (UnFrequently Asked Questions)
Being a site featuring the relationship between Nick Knight and Lucien Lacroix, we thought it might serve to offer A Long Term Perspective on it, based upon the history presented in Nick's flashbacks. (Added 8/00.)
*** Also up-dated August 2000, the links to sites containing Nick and Lacroix focused fiction.
Q. What is the Unnamed Faction?
Q. Why the name, um ... "Unnamed"?
Q. Does the UF believe that Nick and Lacroix are homosexual?
Q. So you really believe that ... you know ... Nick and Lacroix actually ...?
Q. Does the UF have any favorite Forever Knight episodes?
Q. You see all these episodes as having an erotic undercurrent between Nick and Lacroix?
Q. What is your evidence in canon for a sensual Nick/Lacroix relationship?
Q. Where can I find some UF fiction?
Q. What's the story with honey and honey sticks?
Q. What is meant by "R" or "The R"?
Q. What does OFWO mean? Or OFWVO?
And for those who have suffered enough, try the Un-UnFAQ, A Sovereign Remedy for an Over-Dose of UFfish Pedanticism.
One last thing, seeing as we're on this "Un-" kick, what do you know about the ... UnSuited Faction? Is it really a "slash" faction between Lacroix and ... Schanke..!?
Q. What is the Unnamed Faction?
A. The Unnamed Faction (UF) is the Forever Knight fan faction which is interested in all aspects of the relationship (the R) between Nick and Lacroix. We see and celebrate an erotic undercurrent between our two favorite vampires. (If you are klewless as to what a "faction" (also known as an "affiliation") is, go to FAQ Central on Mr. Happy's Forever Knight Page and check out the Affiliation FAQ.)
Q. Why the name, um ... "Unnamed"?
A. "The 'Love that dare not speak its name' ... is a great affection of an elder for a younger man. It is beautiful, it is fine, it is the noblest form of affection. There is nothing unnatural about it. It is intellectual, and it repeatedly exists between an elder and a younger man, when the elder man has intellect, and the younger man has all the joy, hope and glamour of life before him. That it should be so the world does not understand. The world mocks at it and sometimes puts one in the pillory for it." -- Oscar Wilde, at his first trial, 26 April 1895.
Q. Does the UF believe that Nick and Lacroix are homosexual?
A. And how would you then explain Janette? And Fleur? And Nat? And the "neck of the week..?" <g> The UF does not deny that Nick and Lacroix have been and are attracted to these women, and many others. But we celebrate the specially intense relationship between Nick and Lacroix. As the vampires of Forever Knight seem to us to be highly sensual beings, we do not classify their sexuality within the current, common world view (which is bound to change, as all social mores do, over time and place).
Q. So you really believe that ... you know ... Nick and Lacroix actually..?
A. Well, not all the time, but... <g> Many of us don't think that Nick and Lacroix are or were "lovers" in the strictest sense of the word (though they may have had sex), while some do. Other go in the opposite direction and don't think that they ever actually had sex, while seeing the erotic tension between them. The UF doesn't even have a consensus as to what kind of relationship Lacroix and Nicholas have (just that they have one and that it is of interest <g>), as we have widely varying views on each man's character. So we have equally varied notions as to their motivations and intent, and therefore what kind of acts would follow from them.
Q. Does the UF have any favorite Forever Knight episodes?
A. Every member of the UF will have individual favorites. But when polled, the following 10 episodes came up as "uffish" favorites: Ashes to Ashes, Sons of Belial, Night in Question, Killer Instinct, Dark Knight (both parts), Curiouser and Curiouser, A More Permanent Hell, Father's Day, Last Knight, and The Fix.
Q. You see all these episodes as having an erotic undercurrent between Nick and Lacroix?
A. Most of us do, yes. (And these are just the top 10. <g>) And while we do see an erotic tension, an erotic charge, between them in these and other episodes, the UF is interested in every aspect of the multi-layered relationship between Nick and Lacroix and how the different elements of it are emphasized in different episodes.
Q. What is your evidence in canon for a sensual Nick/Lacroix relationship?
A. "Canonically" we have no direct evidence, either a shot of them kissing, or either of them explicitly saying anything (if one doesn't count the Nightcrawler's "I love you all. And I want all of you ... to love me" in Capital Offense, since a commonly held belief in FK fandom is that Lacroix was usually speaking directly to Nick Knight in his radio monologues). This is on a par with Nick's never having said outright that he loved Natalie. <g>
However, there are a number of scenes which carry an implicit erotic undertone, such as the scene in the flashback for Killer Instinct where Lacroix stands before a vamped out fledgling Nicholas and urges him, "Leave your mortal life behind, Nicholas. You can never go back there now." Lacroix at this point reaches up and uses his middle finger to wipe up some of the blood trickling from Nicholas's mouth. Nicholas watches him as Lacroix places that fingertip into his mouth, savoring the taste, looking into Nicholas's eyes. Lacroix continues, smiling, "Soon ... you will not want to." (Of course on the surface he is saying that his new creation will soon come to revel in his new life, the thrill of a mortal's blood surging in his veins. But given Lacroix's tendency for multi-layered statements, what other sensual delights could he be promising as well, particularly given the accompanying gesture? <g>)
This flashback scene in Killer Instinct has a few other tidbits that seem to carry an erotic tension. There's a point where Lacroix quickly glances down, with a certain focused intent, at Nicholas's throat. It's very quick and subtle, as he says, "Revel in your new-found power ... in the gift I have given you." An intent, hungry look. And Nicholas is leaning away from him, not meeting his eyes during most of this, as though he can feel the intensity of Lacroix's regard and is unwilling to accept it. The only time their eyes meet is when their gazes lock while Lacroix sucks the blood from his finger.
And while many fans recall this part of the interchange a little earlier in this scene (translated from the French)...
Nicholas: "What am I?"
Lacroix: "My protege." (Or a strict translation: "My favorite.")
Nicholas: "Your slave."
...the Unnamed Faction feels Lacroix's reply to that...
Lacroix: "Then I, too, am your slave. For I belong to you, now. Promised to you as your eternal teacher; that I may let you know all there is to know about what you are."
...must be remembered as well when considering this rather complicated relationship.
Q. OK, you've convinced me there was something in Lacroix's attitude towards Nick. But what about Nick? What proof do you have that he felt likewise toward Lacroix?
A. The only clear-cut evidence we have of Nick's erotic attraction to Lacroix is in the fantasy/day-dream/hallucination in Dying For Fame, in which Nick visualizes Lacroix as a uniformed guard and himself as a jailed prisoner. Lacroix reaches through the bars to stroke Nicholas's cheek and Nick turns his head into the caress, lips parted. What's interesting about this scene is it is all in Nick's head. This is something created out of his own subconscious understanding of their relationship. This isn't even a memory, something that Lacroix actually did. Both characters in this scene are directed, motivated, by Nick's own mind. And then there's Curiouser and Curiouser, which is all in Nick's head as well. Maybe... ;) (There is an interesting little bit in the flashback for C&C: Nicholas and Lacroix have been speaking. The camera shot is above waist level. As Lacroix turns to go, heading up some stairs, we find that their hands are clasped, and they do not release their grips until Lacroix is well up the steps. Were they holding hands during that entire scene?)
As to Nick's attraction to Lacroix, we have his frequent tuning into the Nightcrawler show, the picture Schanke found of Lacroix in Nick's desk in Close Call, Nick going to Lacroix for advice even when he knows he's likely to have to endure a few verbal barbs, Nick going to Lacroix when he really needs help, and expecting to get it, like in Sons of Belial. Even in Night in Question, in the flashback, when Nicholas is saying that yes, he will help Lacroix, but that after that, he would leave him, that they should travel apart ... for a time... Even then (and he's actively looking for a "cure" at this point) he cannot make a clean break with Lacroix. He has to add qualifiers.
Q. What about Nat?
A. The UF doesn't deny Nat's importance to Nick -- or that of Janette. Or of Fleur to Lacroix. It's just that we are most interested in what we see as the most complex relationship in FK, that between Nick and Lacroix, in all its aspects.
Q. Who are you people?
A. We're a cross-section of FK fandom. Many of us are members of other factions. No, we don't have a political or social agenda beyond posing the question "What's wrong with a little kissy-face between a couple old soldiers?" And if your question was about our sexual orientations: first, it's none of your business <g>, and second, heterosexual males have long enjoyed viewing images of two women having sex with each other. 'Nuff said? Or, to quote a phrase, we might be straight, but we're not narrow. And yes, there are male UFfers.
As with any other FK faction, there is no formal "membership"; you can just declare yourself a member of a faction, or several factions. (For folks who are not comfortable with or who just do not see any erotic interaction between Nicholas and Lacroix, but who are still interested in their relationship, there is a Nick-Lacroix faction called the Cousins of the Knight.)
The Unnamed Faction discussion list, however, is open only to those over 18. This list allows us to engage in conversation about any aspect of the R, whatever our viewpoints. While anyone may belong to the Unnamed Faction, since we do openly discuss the erotic, sensual aspects of the R, the UF List is adults only. You do not need to be a member of the UF to belong to the list. If you wish to join the UF discussion list, send your full name and a statement affirming you are over 18 to the UF List Owners.
The Unnamed Faction is categorized as the slash faction of FK, although some would argue that any such ... mortal classification is irrelevant in the vampire universe of Forever Knight. (Slash, for those who haven't run across the term before, is an across-fandom slang word for same sex erotic fan fiction. It is derived from the "/" placed between the names of the characters when referring to this type of story. So the grand-daddy of all slash would be Kirk/Spock, for instance. If you are describing non-erotic fiction between characters, you use a "-", as we were careful to do when mentioning the Cousins of the Knight faction, ie. Nick-Lacroix.)
Q. Where can I find some UF fiction, slash or otherwise?
(These links were up last up-dated August 2000.)
A. Poetry is being archived on this site, as is a (non-humorous) drabble, titled Possession, done on the UF list.
If you're over 18 and interested in joining the UF discussion list, to which UF fiction is also posted, send your full name and a statement affirming you are over 18 to the UF List Owners.
As for Web sites with some uffish fiction, here are a few...On the Forever Knight erotica archive, JADFE, you can find a great deal Nick/Lacroix erotic fiction (much of it written before the UF came into being), as well as a wide variety of other character combinations.
Loose Cannon's FK Fiction Page contains Les GS's fiction, including many Nick/Lacroix stories.
Jules' Fiction includes Illinois Jules' UF episode slants.
On the Knightbuds page will be found UF stories by the writing team of April Hackett and Susan Field.
Fenris' Page has an assortment of her fiction, mostly Nick and Lacroix.
Kathy Whelton's web-site includes the excellent "More Deaths Than One Must Die," which contains all the elements of a classic FK episode, including Nick and Lacroix's relationship, past and present.
Merlin has both uffish poetry and fiction.
"Knight Passions" is Laurie of the Isles' page with stories, poems and limericks.
Most of Lorelei's stories, including "The Dance Series," feature the relationship between Nick and Lacroix.
Knightraven's site also has some UF fiction, slash and otherwise.
Imariju's Trios, places Nick and Lacroix at an interesting cruxpoint in their relationship.
The Inn of the Crossed Swords archives a variety of FK slash.
The UF War 8 posts can be found at War 8: The Unnamed Faction
If you happen to join the UF List, the following questions may arise when reading comments posted there...
Q. What's the story with honey and honey sticks?
A. The honey sticks are Illinois Jules' contribution to the UF. She took the honey motif from Les's Honey and Wine story (which can be found on Loose Cannon's fiction page (see above) if you're curious) and ran with it. <g> And the UF loop has been a sticky place ever since.
Q. What is meant by "R" or "The R"?
A. It's shorthand for "The Relationship between Nick Knight and Lucien Lacroix."
Q. What does BH mean?
A. "Blond Hormone" aka Nick Knight.
Q. What does OFWO mean? Or OFWVO?
A. "Our Favorite Walking Orgasm" and "Our Favorite Walking Voyeuristic Orgasm" aka Lucien Lacroix. (So tagged because of the avid, sensuous delight Lacroix takes in watching his Favorite, Nicholas, kill and eat.)
A few other items of Unnamed Faction "Culture":
Uffish - The adjective "uffish" obviously derives from the initials U.F. for Unnamed Faction. However, some time back, we noticed the following lines from "The Jabberwocky," the poem Lacroix quotes from in Curiouser & Curiouser:
And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!It's a tenuous connection, but we'll take it. <g>
Handcuffs - See, in the Forever Knight Fiction Wars 8 & 9, the only way Julia, our List-Cobra, would go to Toronto was to be dragged there by force. This necessitated restraints, and of course, handcuffs are easy, efficient and, let's face it, quite stylish. Now, the FK Fiction Wars are just that, fiction. But a few UFers had the opportunity to make fiction fact at Lights, Camera, Auction in October, 1998. UF handcuffs finally made it to Toronto in Real Life. We got pictures!
Bruno and Mack - a couple of Enforcers discovered by Molly, on UF retainer, sent round to our writers' abodes when their production rate does not match uffish appetite. A few incidents in their checkered career can be found here, in The Adventures of Bruno & Mack.
The UnFAQ was a collective effort by Julia (UF List-Cobra) Kocich (, Les GS (, Kelly Green ( and Illinois Cousin Jules (
This page was whipped together and released upon the world on Friday, Oct. 17th, 1997 by Les, who can be berated at
This Forever Knight Ring site is owned by
The Unnamed Faction.
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