Villa Anacronistica: Midnight Garden

Villa Anacronistica: Midnight Garden
"There beneath the Roman ruin, where the purple flowers
grow..."--Alfred, Lord Tennyson
You wander through the Midnight Garden along a path of white marble,
which glows faintly in the moonlight. The ghostly light also shimmers
across pale roses, moonflowers, white angels' trumpets, and
daylilies. The sides of the path are lined with a carpet of glowing
white evening primroses. The air is scented with orange blossoms from
an orchard nearby. Within the orchard you can make out a small mossy
pool graced with creamy waterlilies. Intricate wrought-iron benches
encircle the pool, offering a peaceful place for a
Ahead of you rises the Villa Anacronistica, a graceful mass of pale marble
Ionian columns and grand stairs. Please continue along the path
and enter the Villa.
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