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These pages form a
sort of "Electronic Vanity Press" and contain assorted writings
by and for my family. Two of them have indeed been published - one,
the poem "For Christopher," was broadcast on local radio, and "Paddling
Through Porridge" was published in "Canoeing" magazine. The rest
however have been read only by a select few - an illustrious company
which I hope you are about to join!
a short story written by my daughter Catherine for her
English Language GCSE (she got an A!) |
- written by a family friend on the birth of my first
son |

~ Specially for Children~ |
Never A Fair Maid
is the novel they say everyone has inside them ... so far
only the first two chapters are on-line but I will update
as I write ... do let
me know if you think this story is worth finishing!
Today is
launched 25th November 1999 - latest update May 3rd 2006
While you're here, do visit our new Family

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graphics on this site are original and may not be used without
permission unless otherwise stated;
for a whole collection of similar but copyright-free backgrounds
and graphics, visit my other site by clicking here

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and save to your own computer - don't forget to upload it to your
own web page!
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UK and EU Residents - please
donate, it costs you NOTHING but your time |
material on this website is original work and therefore copyright
© by the authors as denoted on each individual page.
All graphics are original and created by Dianne G. Davies
and also copyright © 1999 -2006. All rights are reserved.
If you wish to reproduce anything off this website, please
me for permission and conditions of use. |