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Welcome to my poetry pages.

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shelf with books on itman in chair,reading newsaper with sleeping cat
Perhaps you will find something to strike a familiar feeling in your heart.

The Light Side

The Frog

The Little Angel


My Web TV

The Dark Side



The Sun Rises

Stairway To Nowhere


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The Love

Granny Doll


A Babies Kiss

The Variety

Spring Song
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Easter Cookies

by Karen Moline

The Watcher
Margaret Widdena

This Too Shall Pass
Helen Steiner Rice

Somebody's Mother
Mary Dow Brine

Pall Mall Magazine

A Poem About "ME"
Authors Name Unknow

The Sadness
Donna's Angels

Hank Willams Sr.

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The Dictionary

For Your Use

The Newsletter

Look for my column
while your there..

APBH Pagebreak Newsletter

The Thank You

Thank You Page

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The Awards

Thank you to all the wonderful people that thought I was worthy!

Award Page

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Award Page 3

The Contest Awards

Contest Awards Page

Awards For Signatures

The Post Awards

NG Awards For Posting

Post Awards 2
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The Privacy

My Policy

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Thank you for stopping by.I hope that I have in some small way touched your heart.

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