to my home page, a place for my poetry
as well as for an education, the main reason it is here is to educate others about
the struggle of the Diné People in Arizona who have faced extreme
hardships daily since the passage of laws that do not respect their rights.
They have endured this struggle for over thirty years with no end in sight. Also, there is still a movement in favor of a Native American holiday.
Finally, also found at this site is information about the preservation
of the ancient forests and information about the wolf, often misunderstood.
I invite you to come travel along the roads less traveled, my blue
web site has grown rapidly since its birth with many pages being added
and others constantly updated so it is continuously in flux. Some files have been moved. To see what's
new or to locate something you've seen before but can't seem to locate, please visit the site index
regularly. Yes, the content of this site is considered too "heavy" by
some, so if you are faint of heart or are satisfied with the mainstream
news, then this site is not for you. If you are ready to see what does
go on, then with a smile I welcome you with open arms.
Native American Holiday is extremely important in terms of respect, honor,
and recognition of the many Native Nations still in existence across this
country. The people working to make this holiday a reality are an honorable
group of people with good hearts. All should know now about this after
the successful completion of the Honor Ride in in April 2000. October
5th is the chosen date by the Shawnee for this holiday since it is the
birth date of the great Shawnee Chief Tecumseh.
The Shawnee were the sponsors of this holiday, so their wishes should
be honored though it really makes no difference which day it is as long
as there is one. Visit the on line petition,
read it, and sign. This is something which should be supported by all
irregardless of background. This bill has made it to Congress. See Native
American Links for more information.
[Please note: Diné-related pages have been moved. Please check the site index to note their new location.]
of Page
People were facing forced relocation on February 1, 2000. It is now
in the courts. This action is a direct result because of laws that were
passed, unjust laws, those once described by Martin Luther King, Jr. as
"an unjust law is no law at all." Go check out these laws. Read them carefully,
93-531 (the 1974 Big Mountain Relocation Act) and PL
104-301 (the Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute Settlement Act). After careful
study of the issues, it is clear that this "land dispute" is a prefabrication
to further the money interests of some. The true reason for this rests in
the desires of big business, in particular, Peabody Energy, and that is
to strip mine the ancestral lands of the Dine'h. This goes against their
religious beliefs -- it rapes Mother Earth. Their lands are rich in low
sulfur coal, and it appears what has been done to many Native Nations in
the past still continues in the 21st century. This cannot continue -- it
has to be stopped now. We cannot, in good conscience, allow this to continue.
This is supposed to be a country that supports the protection of human
rights? Other countries are chastised constantly for their human
rights violations? Shouldn't we be concerned about what happens at home?
If you would like to help, there is an online petition
to sign. There is another petition available at the request of Roberta Blackgoat.
Please read, then sign We
Demand Peace and Harmony for the Dineh, Hopi, and Mother Earth and /
or go to Petition - Big Mountain
Sovereign Nation for a hard copy to print and circulate. All are steps
in the right direction. It is time. Also, visit Bo
Peep's Hogan where many pages can be found, such as View from the Hogan
archives, the gallery of resistance, Grandmother Roberta's page archives,
voices from a troubled land, a library of articles and documents about Big
Mountain, and much more. One other thing you may want to do is find a copy
of the documentary Broken Rainbow to see visually what has happened
in the past, and continues to this day. Also, please visit the site index often to learn what has been added. This information is constantly in flux as news comes from the land as well as from local news and other sources.
Support is needed now for resisters being harassed / threatened on the land. Please see Bush Thinks America has Nailed the Final Nail on the Coffin of Indigenous History in the US (Resisters Threatened) for current contact information. Many thanks for your support in advance.
Senator John McCain introduced S. 1003 in May 2005, described as amendments to PL 93-531. Two sections, 110 and 111, specifically relate to relocation of the families still residing on the HPL who have not signed the Accommodation Agreement created by PL 104-301. Testimony was given on July 21 at the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. This testimony can be viewed with Real Player from the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Roman Bitsuie said during these hearings, "If the Navajo Nation could have its dream bill, it would overturn the relocation law, and provide for a right opportunity for affected Navajo families. Of course, we know that this is not going to happen. Still our spiritual ties to the land run deep and it would be a betrayal of our beliefs if I did not again remind the Committee of the nature of the sacrifice of the Navajo families who have left their ancestral lands had to make." He concluded with "We urge the Senate Committee of Indian Affairs to schedule a hearing on the Navajo Nation in order to facilitate participation by the people most affected by the land dispute, and provide the opportunity to visit to affected areas and families in order to deepen the Committee's understanding of the long-lasting effects of the relocation law." Some written transcripts are available on line now from Louis Denetsosie, Attorney General, the Navajo Nation, and Chairman Taylor of the Hopi Tribe. Please see Diné Links to learn more what you can do to help. Please also visit Black Mesa Indigineous Support. More is also available at this site. Many thanks to all who tried to open the eyes of those in Congress by asking its members to oppose S. 1003. As is the usual way of things, they have not listened. As of May 2, 2006, S. 1003 has been passed by the Senate by unanimous consent, and has been sent on to the House. Please see S. 1003 as Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by Senate. This bill was passed by "unanimous consent" as McCain wished to happen. Please also see Page S3924. It has been referred to the House Resources Committee (May 3). Please let them know your views. The Navajo Nation opposes this bill. Note new information presented in a recent article in tne Navajo Times, Relocation office one step closer to termination. Here Roman Bitsuie again states the need for an independent study about the effects of relocation as well as some of its devastating effects. Please also see the press release. The House Resources Committee held a hearing on S1003 on June 21, 2006. What is conspicuously missing? The voices of those who will be directly affected should the bill also pass the House.
Black Mesa Mine is closing, at least temporarily. To learn more about
this closure, please visit Black
Mesa Mine closure as well as Struggles
Continue Despite Black Mesa Mine Shut Down for an Indigenous point
of view. Please also visit Black Mesa Indigenous Support at The
Struggle Continues at Black Mesa Indigenous Support, and Mohave
Power Plant in Nevada to Close as Expected. Related to those who claim
victory with the closures of Mohave and the mine, see Comments
-- Mohave Generating Station and Black Mesa Mine. Please note the
news about the N-Aquifer as a result of an NDRC
study. There has been denial of any secret negotiations.
Furthermore, OSM has decided to "suspend" activities until "the future
of the Mohave Generating Station and the project become clearer." Please
see July
2006 Newsletter. In September the Salt River Project asked the Office
of Surface Mining to continue the Environmental Impact Study. Part of the consequences should this be adopted is 17 Navajo families will have to be relocated for energy interests. The Black Mesa Project Environmental Impact Report is now available. See Dineh Links for more information about how you can submit your comments.
 One key thing to note, through all the government's dealings with the laws created affecting the Diné of Black Mesa, there has never been any due process. Recently there has been no inclusion of families living there, their thoughts have not been honored with this current law presently in Congress, S 1003. Still they continue their struggle on land that is the dryest it has ever been. Animals and vehicles are still being impounded. One resident needs a truck to haul water. If you can help with a donation to relieve the hardship imposed, please send an email for more information.
Harrassement is continuing at Black Mesa. Please visit Black Mesa Indigenous
Support's web site, in particular, Black Mesa Elders - Take Direct Action, and Elder Assaulted.
Support is needed at Desert Rock. See http://www.desert-rock-blog.com/ to learn more.
of Page Many
things go on in Indian Country that too many know nothing about. Why this
is is a mystery to me. We are all related. There was a situation at Pine
Ridge for quite some time. Should you want to learn more about it, visit
the Native American
links page which also includes links to other important issues. I
ask that you support the traditionals in their quest as I have and many
others across this country and internationally. I also ask that you visit
this page to learn how you can help Leonard
Peltier become a free man again. If you want to see what else you
can do to help, please visit the
Official Website of Leonard Peltier and the LPDC. Here you will find
a wealth of information, including that of events happening in your area.
Respectfully I ask that you all help make this new millennium the one
where the human rights of all others everywhere are respected by all.
have always been my passion for as long as I can remember. I don't know
why I feel such a close connection to them. I just know it's there. And
I live in wolf T-shirts. But if you know French, regardez mon pseudonyme.
I have included links
to some of my favorite wolf sites (which continuously seems to be growing),
and other sites on subsequent pages here.
this site has grown I have also included some other things of importance,
such as the preservation of the ancient
forests. There is one more thing which I do ask of you, especially
if you want to join the many others who support the hope for peace worldwide.
Consider visiting Manifesto
2000. This is not just a petition but rather a commitment to live
your life according to the principles described here. Perhaps you will
choose to become a messenger as I have as well. Many thanks in advance.
of Page
you would like, explore the pages in this site. They are many and varied.
Let me know what you think.
wolf is my messenger
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be known by the tracks
we leave behind."
to this site since January 9, 2000
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