...Since June 1998...
Yogi enjoys surreal Canal shopping inside of Venetian Hotel! Las Vegas, November 2004.
Hi I'm Yogi!
After YEARS revised, I finally deicide to leave this format for it's a net pal's hard-working dedication. I was adviced that not to change it. So here I am, ensure the better content of this site than to change this out-of-dated but meaningful web page design! I hope you guys will be enjoying to be here too! ;)
Oct. 12, 2004
"What does Miss Yogi Want?" BLOG
「妖姬小姐要怎樣?」部落格 since June 2005
Mermaid's Little Diary (Chinese)
美人魚的∼小女人日記(中文) since Sep 2004
Mermaid's Music Diary (English)
美人魚的∼音樂日記(英文) since Sep 2004
Mermaid's "La Dolce Vita" diary in Italy
美人魚的∼義大利生活記事本 Since Sep 2004
Mermaid's Little Photo Albumn
美人魚的∼旅遊相本 New!!!
Mermaid's Little Photo Albumn
美人魚的∼旅遊相本 old (before 2004)