Hi and welcome to our virtual home. For those of you who have been here before: you will probably notice that this page looks a little bit different from how it was before. Well, Bine is done with school, and finally has more time again to work on the homepage, so she is giving it a major work-over. If you just happen to be the one signing on while she is trying to rearrange a page - it might happen that the headline is suddenly at the end of the page or you can't read anything because the background is suddenly another color. Please bear with us, at some point Bine might remember the right html-codes, and everything will be up and running again. *g* Anyway, so what is this homepage all about? Well, first of all, it tells our story. The story of our love. Of how we met on the internet living thousands of miles apart, Bill in Pennsylvania, and Bine in Germany, and of how we finally ended up both living here in the US and being married to each other. And then we are also working on getting some pages up about our experiences with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. We know that that agency can be quite the maze of red tape, and reading stories about others who had to go through the same process helped us immensely. Ok, that's it for today, so if you still want to read our story and get an index of the pages.. click on the enter sign below
Or, you might want to sign our guestbook!!!
Or, if you still don't have enough - perhaps you want to take a look at the webrings we are members in, or the awards we won.
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on this page since December 7th, 2000.
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Our homepage was established in June 1998 and last updated on December 7th, 2000
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