My geocities name is whissper

they would not take Jack H     *pout*

anyway ....


Would you like to have

your very own web page


where you could show all your friends

your lovely "spouse",

your children or even your grand children ?

I can make this possible for you

and can make your page

at your own specifications,

background picture, frame color, background music etc.

here's an example of what you could have in

your page ...


This is Michelle

my lovely wife !


ansun.gif (27101 bytes)

click on this button to see HER page

* to lovely you*


you could have something

that would look like this ...



If you think you would like something like this in

your own page

just contact me

by clicking on the mail box below !!!


Ideal gift for for anyone

also good for small business PROMOTION

To give you an idea of business promotion

you can visit "Brides to remember" that we made

and also BBCR Bridal Consultants



Contact me for informations


call me on ICQ 1088601


You are visitor

Playing for you now : Friends in low places
