Never Forget

Welcome to my little corner of the web. Come in, smell the flowers, take some time out of your day to relax... and enjoy my garden.

Kate's Garden


Poetry by Kate
A few of my poems

Poetry by Cindy Teare
Several poems by my dear friend Cindy

Poetry by Michelle
A poem by my friend Michelle

Poetry by William Shakespeare
Some sonnets by the Bard

Poetry by William Butler Yeats
Some poems by W.B.

Poetry by Edgar Allen Poe
Some poems by Poe

Poetry by Pablo Neruda
Una poema de Pablo Neruda

The Visitor's Corner of the Garden -- A place for your own poetry and discussions Visitor's Corner

Please note: Any poetry posted here can be viewed by any visitor to the site.

Some of my favorite links

I would prefer that most of the discourse regarding this site take place on the new forum, the Visitor's Corner, however if you wish to talk to me on a more personal level...

E-mail Me

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