Popular Websites for Visitors
- Afghanistan's Music'Today's Afghan music can be roughly divided into traditional, modern and post-modern. Boundaries between these different categories are not clear cut but roughly reflect eras of pre Soviet, intra Soviet and post Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The influences of neighboring cultures is reflected upon Afghan Music.
- Biography.com
enables students to learn about over 25,000 ofthe greatest
lives, past and present, play Who Am I?. Teachers can access
- CNN NewsStories
are current news stories accompanied by a range of multimedia interactive
activities (video clip, sound clips, read text online) to build reading
comprehension skills for older students.
- Afghan Phone Book AfghanPhoneBook .com is a project inspired by the need for a central location where all Afghans worldwide can locate each other.
- Free Software Downloads and Reviews - Download.com Find the software you're looking for at Download.com, the most comprehensive source for free-to-try software downloads on the Web.
- Microsoft Windows Update The Microsoft Windows Update Consumer site provides critical updates, security fixes, software downloads, and Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) ...
- Microsoft Office Online Training In the training course Explore Open XML Formats, Microsoft Office System MVP Stephanie Krieger shows the basics of working with these new file formats and ...
- Farsi Dictionary The Best and Newest English / Farsi Dictionary Free, Searchable English-Farsi and Farsi-English dictionary with more than 600000 words.
- Afghanland.com Afghanistan Poems Poets and Poetry Khwakhuzhi: A Great Afghan Writer, Poet, Historian, Patron of Education ... More . Parwak A comprehensive site dedicated to Ustad Sarajuddin Parwak.
Afghan Music, Afghan MP3, Afghan Music Videos, AfghanMTV.com Afghan Music, Afghan MP3, Afghan Videos, Free MP3 to download, Afghan CD, compelete list of all Afghan Singers plus all their album AfghanMTV.com.
- Mastana.net - Afghan Mp3 Music Mastana entertainment has handovered to new management which is based in Dubai, The new management is working hard to upload latest Afghani music albums. ...
