When Fate Brings Two Heart's Together

We believe that fate or destiny has played a major part in us finding one another. With this we have found a love so strong and true, like no other before. Feeling the way we do about one another made us want to share our love and feelings with the world.

Ken and I (Cheryl) met online, so we are proof that online does work if you want it too. At that time in our lives, neither of us was looking for anything, but we found much more than we ever thought possible. A love that is tender, caring, kind and strong. We found in each other a soul mate, two hearts destined to be together no matter what we had to do to achieve that.

For most of us we have no idea why things happen , but most of us realize that there is a reason for everything. I for one am a firm believer in this theory. Call it fate, call it a higher power at work or destiny, but what ever you call it, it's there and alway's at work. Baby I love you bunches and bunches and bunches.

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