This page is dedicated to the woman I love!!!

Click on the following numbers to jump to my entries of random thoughts and poetry: 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26

Click here to see the First Writings, Entries 1 - 8.


"Akasha and a bug!!"

Ode to Akasha

What's the best way to have fun?
What else, but chasing a bug on the run!

I hate it when they stay outside.
I can't move the screen even though it slides.

If I'm patient, someone opens the door.
And if I'm lucky, they'll land on the floor.

There is no bug that escapes from me.
Fly, run, or jump - there's no safety.

There are several that try to climb the wall.
But, sooner or later they take a fall.

The game's not over when they hit the ground.
Because it's great fun to chase them around.

I swat 'em, and bat 'em, and flick 'em in the air.
But I mustn't kill them so I try to take care.

As the giants watch they like to laugh.
They seem to enjoy my little dance.

I ignore them, unless they get in the way.
Because right now's my time to play.

But what's the deal, the bug's slowing down.
It's no longer jumping, just flopping around.

Let me inspect it and get a little closer.
Oops! I squished it! I guess the game's over!



Excerpt from "You and Me"

"Then I saw your face and thought how life's so good to me;
We were meant to meet each other in the middle of a mystery;
Then I heard you smile and thought how wonderful indeed;
We were meant to meet each other You and Me."

-Men Without Hats



Your phone call Wednesday made my day!!

Here's a little something for you!



Note on Thanksgiving

Hope you got my card, Kelli Marie,
Just something cheesy, to you, from me;

You know for any holiday or reason,
I must send you a card that fits the season;

And what's more from time to time,
You even get a silly, little rhyme;

So, enjoy Thanksgiving with the family,
And don't forget to say Hi! for me!!



This poem was inspired by watching Kelli Marie battle sleep in Spanish class!!

Spanish Class

Spanish class on Monday
I arrive ready to learn
But only ten minutes later
I'm ready to crash and burn

The teacher counts off every minute
Attendance is a must
I need to show up every class
Or my grade could bite the dust

Even when I'm rested
Sleep comes creeping in
An hour and a half to go
And the teacher just won't bend

I'm afraid the machine was broken
So there's no caffeine
And if I fall asleep again
The teacher will get mean

Now there's one more hour
But how can that be
Even with a small break
There is no help for me

I must stay awake
But it's very hard to do
I have to pay attention
Or my grade is down the tubes

Down to thirty minutes
My eyes are nearly closed
A minute is eternal
And again I start to doze

The class is nearly over
But we're not there yet
I have to be coherent
To learn what's on the test

There's only two more minutes
I swear I must be dead
Or if not, I soon will be
Unless I find a bed

I missed the next assignment
But now no longer care
Because as a last resort
I'm pulling at my hair

I think the teacher's stopped
The end is finally here
I think it's time to celebrate
And go and drink some beer


Written in Spanish class while the teacher was crawling through the homework!!





Ode to the New Year

Happy New Year!
Kelli Marie
I hope you got all that you wanted
Under the tree

The new year is here
It's a brand new start
And I plan to love you
With all of my heart

Put worry aside
There's no need to fuss
Because this January
Will be different for us

Indecision is gone
My love is true
What's left is to plan
My future with you

There are so many things
To do and to say
But no need to rush it
We'll go day by day

Happy New Year!
Kelli Marie
And here's to the future
With you and with me



To My Valentine

To my Valentine
Kelli Marie
A short little poem
To say I Love Thee

It's our second Valentine's
That we're celebrating
And exactly three years
Since we've been dating

The Year 2000
Has been a new start
And since it's Valentine's
I give you my heart

Life goes so fast
But at least days like this
Make us slow down a little
Before the little things, we miss

To my Valentine
Kelli Marie
And to more moments
With just you and me



All My Love

Here's a clover
For Kelli Marie
It signifies the luck
That she brings to me

When things look bad
When things go wrong
I have her smile
To turn me on

There are only
Two things that I want
The only things
I'd ever flaunt

One is Kelli's
Love for me
It fills my soul

The other is happines
For my honey
A smile like hers
Can't be bought with money

So take this clover
Kelli Marie
And All My Love
To you from me



First we moved in together in August 2000!


Next came the proposal on May 24, 2001!


Kelli and I got married at the Candlelight Wedding Chapel (see below) on August 25, 2001, in Las Vegas, Nevada. We had a nice little wedding with her mother, brother, and best friend, and my mother, father, step-mother, step-father, and sister.

Candlelight Wedding Chapel

(Coincidentally, this is the same chapel where Michael Caine, Barry White, Ray Liotta, Bette Midler, Whoopi Goldberg, and Patty Duke got married.)

While we were in Las Vegas, we stayed at the Harrah's hotel and casino (below). Although it was not the biggest and best, it was a lot of fun. We found some cool slot machines and they had a neat band playing in the live entertainment area. We were also able to walk to at least 15 other casinos including The Venetian, Treasure Island, The Mirage, and Caesar's Palace.

Harrah's Casino, Las Vegas


That was followed by the Hawaii Honeymoon, September 16 - 22, 2001!


And the wedding reception on October 5, 2001!


Now it's 2002!! Time to look for a house!


Found a house we liked in Germantown. We took possession of our house on Cattail Cove at the end of January 2003! And it has a pool!


Ryan Larson was born on May 31, 2005!


5th Wedding Anniversary on August 25, 2006!

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