In a Nutshell

Anne Dixon Leding

Anne's background includes art studies throughout her school years into collage and beyond. Studies incorporate a fine arts curriculum embracing illustration, painting, sculpture, graphic design, typography, silk screen, stained glass and set design as well as sixteen years of combined study of piano, violin and classical guitar. She has taught classical guitar as well as art. She holds a certification in custom picture framing and also is certified as an instructor in oil and watercolor painting. She accepts commissioned work; presently she is teaching painting and writing/illustrating her book, Shades of Truth.

Her work has been exhibited in the mid-south region of the country as well as in SoHo, New York, and is included in collections around the country. She has been critiqued and published in ARTSPEAK, a New York gallery publlication, and THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIVING ARTISTS IN AMERICA. She has won several awards in competition, and has been listed in THE NEW YORK ART REVIEW, THE SOUTHWEST ART REVIEW, as well as listings in The Marquis Publications of WHO'S WHO OF AMERICAN WOMEN, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA, WHO'S WHO IN THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST, and WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD.

She is a member of the NATIONAL WATERCOLOR SOCIETY, the AMERICAN WATERCOLOR SOCIETY, the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WOMEN IN THE ARTS, the DALLAS MUSEUM OF ART, KIMBALL ART MUSEUM, DFW WRITERS' WORKSHOP, and TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL (an ATM-B recipient) where she is past vp of public relations (1998-2000), the newly elected vp of education (2002).



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