well shit

i did it you guys!!!!!!!

let's see......the last time i put pictures on this page was before my first road trip down to san diego with matt. well A LOT HAS CHANGED. matt not only signed up and left for the air force, but he got recycled through bootcamp, started all over again, and graduates on thursday jan. 26th (or something like that) a lot of friends have moved, and people have changed schools (most of them not by choice...heh heh heh.) SO ANYWAY, one things the same... we still know how to party. so lets cut the bullshit and check out the pictures. ~kim~ 1/23/01

okay - here's some pics from Nicoles going away party (by the way, this is where the "sober sisters" were born)

ClaSSic piCtUrEs wE wiLL nEvEr FoRgeT

(as hard as you try)

Sarcasm is bliss...

"kids, you shouldn't do drugs, mara-ja-wana is bad..let me pass a sample around of mara-ja-wana around for u...okay kids...who has the mara-ja-wana now?" "Trick Pleaze" "Gigga What?" "Cuz i'm cooler than a polar bears tonails..." "Shampoo is better, it makes the hair clean and healthy" "Lincoln Continental...coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago" "BLING-BLING...everytime i come around yo city BLING-BLING" "A Goose!" "Ghetto Booty" "Hey, Dirtay...baby i got yo money" "My car is so sick. It matches my shoes, and my cell phone" "Hey, I'M ALWAYS RIGHT" "The NUMBER ONE invention in the world would be....NAPKINS!!!" "Don't mess with me, I'm one crazy MOFO. I had to pop a cop cuz he wasn't giving me my props in Oak Town" "I dont care if its 4,5,6,7,8, in the mornin, boy u better call me when u think yo gettin horny" "I'm having trouble controlling THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!" "Conditioner is better, it makes the hair shiny and smooooth" "Penguin?!?!" "I don't make the rules...i just follow them" "SHUT UP" "yipee-yi, yipee-yo yay" "he called the shit poop!" "As I get to bust'n this introduction of mind corruption and rhyme seduction" "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE" "you can do it, put your back into it" "beans, beans!" "Minime, quit humping the laser" "Pretty hot in these rhinos..." "sex? YES PLEASE" "Allow myself to introduce ...myself" "i want pizza..." "and i know you YOUR THE MONOPOLY GUY" "you make me wanna throw my pager out the window" "It was a drive by fruiting" "good god! thats the spot! thats the spot right there!!!" "Cuz Iwanna be a cowboy baby..." "ith there thomfing in my teef?" "From where i am standing, it is a physical impossiblity for me to grab your ass" "so where ya gonna run - maybe we can meet up on the sun" "DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS" "The number two invention in the world...MEATBALLS!!!" "If I had been drinking from the toilet...I might have been killed!" "I HAVE THE MICROPHONE AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERYTHING I HAVE TO SAY!!!!" "ding ding ding - what do we have for her johnny..." "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?.....NO!!" "You know how we keep warm in russia..." "Okay, and how bout I go lay by the bay, and make some things out of clay, I just may!" " That's how we drink it in Belgium" "No means yes, yes means harder" "Let me shake the hand of the smartest person in the world" "Thanks for the free parking..." "We barbequin chicken - that's what we doin" "A goose"

Now that all that's said and done...

here's what you've been waiting for...QUIZZES! i finally linked all of the quizzes from TheSpark.com so you can either click on the name of the quiz you want to take, or go to their webpage. Or you could take none of the quizzes and be a loo - hoo zer - her.

The Purity Test . . . . The Wealth Test . . . . The IQ Test . . . .The Death Test

hey lauren... The Bitch Test just kidding :)

The Sex Test . . . . The Personality Test . . . . The Fat Liar Test

The Greed Test . . . . The Un-Intelligence Test . . . . The Bastard Test

The Ass Quiz (and just for your information...i took this quiz and scored 62% .i don't know if thats good or bad, BUT IT ISN'T NEGATIVE!) *LOL*

This ones funny... The Slut Test and last but not least... The Love Test

Looks like you are lucky number

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