Kiltee's Happy Place :-)
My Cyber Friend

I haven't ever seen you,
But I know you're really there;
I click you into reality
Like magic from the air.

Your voice is like an angel,
Though I really do not hear;
Your hug as warm as any,
Of loved ones I hold dear.

You're always there for comfort,
Or a word of cheer;
Though you are very far away,
I always have you near.

You're a very special friend,
Like none I've ever known;
As long as you're in cyberspace
I'll never be alone.

Poem by Rita Ralston.

I finally have heard from Rita. Wooo Woooo!
Please go visit her site.

Rita Ralston

You will not be sorry.
Thank-you Rita, for your insperation!!

"Smile" at a friend today!
It is one of the few things in life that comes free,
but it is worth it's weight in gold..!


Thank-you all for visiting
come back any time. :-)


Click on the Angel below to send the
Post Card of the Day from..!

Card will be changed every day, so keep coming back :-)

click to send an angel posty of the day from angelwinks!


Sorry, I lost most of my links, but if you follow "Kiltee's Globes & Stuff" link below, you'll find most of them.
Sorry if this is an inconvienence but I will have them back soon.
Keep :-)in!

Get Paid To Surf "My Top Two Programs"
Just For Leslie
A Link To The Past
My Hometown (Stephenville, Newfoundland)
My Hometown 2 (Stephenville, Newfoundland)
My Hometown 3 (Stephenville, Newfoundland)
My Hometown 4 (Stephenville, Newfoundland
Changing Globe For Adoption
Wildlife Globes
Assorted Globes By Kiltee
Globes Using Danny's Paintings
Fairy Globes
Unicorn Globes
Unicorn Globes 2
Wolves Book Flip Applet
Kiltee's Globes & Stuff
Waterdrop Fairy Applet
Kiltee's Kewl Kards

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