
Until I'm done with finishing the rest of this site, this page will temporarily host everything that you can download. Thank you for visiting!


Hand-made icons
Either built from scratch or based on an existing icon. All of them are in png format, 128x128.
1950s Danish rosewood clock, Phantasie Antik
Clock hands (dark beige) were removed in original icon, in order to have a clean clock face for our dock
Kousmichoff tea, Dean & Deluca
Tin boxes are useful for storing small objects, papers or photographs. This one can be used to represent your computer, photo album or anything
Heigh's Chocolate, Let's Eat, Prahran, Melbourne
As an icon, it can be used to identify folders. Replacing the logo or the black stripe will result in numerous variations and will fill your desktop with chocolate
Tokyo bag
A shopping bag is always more fun than a briefcase. It can't beat a Luis Vuitton, but it's file transfer with class
Classic binoculars, Zeiss.de
Try this one if you want to replace the original picture preview app icon, the program you use to access a remote computer, etc
Swiss Paperway bin, by Zedon.com
Much darker than the IKEA bin used by Apple, but it's a must for design addicts. Comes in two flavours, empty and full. Please recycle
Greetings from Greece
The icon depicts the logo of the Athens 2004 Olympic games as a stamp, along with the Hellenic Post Office logo (Hermes' head). There is also a second icon included, with an orange mail indicator on top right
Hellenic flag
I wanted to make a keyboard language indicator dockling, but I haven't done (and probably won't do) anything but this flag.
For the Greek visitors out there or those that have something that "it's all Greek to you"!
Magic Wand
Assign this icon to your favourite application and you'll end up feeling like Merlin.
Scanner Assistant
Helper applications for gadgets like scanners, webcams, printers etc. usually have their own user interface. Now they can have your icon of choice.

iChat States
Let your iCal icon depict your current condition. Use them with your mobydock msn-item or elsewhere.

From left to right: Offline, Online, Invisible, BRB, Busy, Away, Out to lunch and the phone.

iCal Tastes
PNG sets consisting of 366 icons for every day of the year. Use them in any dock or Samurize configurations. Due to the filesize, they are not available for download here, but can be mailed upon request.
iCal normal
These icons are based on the original iCal icon for OSX dock, which is slightly different than the sets available for PCs.
iCal colours
Full sets in several colour variations.

Paper calendar
The default colour is red, but it may be altered to the colour of your choice. They actually look much better with a darker background!

Weekday Clocks
If you are a little like me, it's likely that you forget from time to time where you are and what day it is. At their normal size (128x128) these clock faces will help you out of the situation. Get the icons here and try the UpdateIcons program from the software section, just a few lines below.

Little applications for little (annoying) tasks.

Change Folder Icons
The name says it all. Actually, I couldn't think of a proper name about this program, so I named it after what it does; this tiny program prompts you for an icon on startup (or when you click on its selected icon) and then it assigns this icon to every folder you drop on the window. Much easier and faster than the XP way.

Known issues:
Drop only one folder at a time.
Do not try to drop files or anything else, as this may have weird results.
Do not use it on system items (desktop, control panel, etc.) as I haven't tested it yet.

You can have as many clients open as you want and then sort your folders accordingly.