Welcome to the
-Objective Art Webring-

"Will we see an esthetic renaissance in our time?
I do not know. What I do know is this:
anyone who fights for the future, lives in it today."

                                                                      --Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto


The Objective Art Webring has one purpose: to act as a focal point for all that the internet has to offer to the artists, estheticians and art-lovers in general whose work, tastes and ideas center around the view of art which was developed by the novelist/philosopher Ayn Rand.

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Kinds of sites that can join.

First, if you have never heard of Ayn Rand's book, The Romantic Manifesto, or if you dissagree with much of it, this webring is probably not for you.

These are the secondary kinds of sites we are looking for. A substantial portion of your site's content should fit one of these catagories.

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How the webring works.

A webring is a place on the net where web sites devoted to the same subject are listed. The webring manager gives a piece of HTML code to each of the webpage owners who want to be listed and they place that code on their own sites. This code acts as a gateway from the member site either to another site on the ring, or to the webring's main list page itself. In exchange for the annoyance of placing the code on one's site and of the possibility of losing visitors to other sites on the ring, one gets the value of potential visits from anyone who visits any of the ring member sites. When someone visits any of the ring sites they see the webring logo and can then view the list of sites. When they do this they find that they have access to many similar resources.

The major issue with getting people to your webpage is making them aware of the fact that it exists. Since many sites of interest cannot get a very prominent listing in the major search engines, the ability to make one's site visible to interested parties is what is needed. This is what the webring can do for you. And getting people to come to your site is the name of the game in marketing your art--or anything else--on the internet. A webring is about as close as the web gets to having a mall down which surfers can stroll.

There are many people out there surfing the web who have the kinds of values and sense-of-life to appreciate and buy good, rationally created art, but who don't know who Ayn Rand is, have never heard of The Romantic Manifesto and have never heard of you. Help them find you with the Objective Art Webring.

Most webrings are hosted by a non-profit organization aptly called "Webring". This is a huge web server which hosts some 40,000 webrings at the moment. The Objective Art Webring is one of these webrings. The peice of HTML code which you have to put on your site actually has links to a cgi program located on that server.

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How to join the Objective Art Webring

  1. First, read this entire page. It's really not very long.
  2. It will save everyone time if you next e-mail me at ehw3@hotmail.com asking if your site can be included on the ring. If not, e-mailing me first will save you the hassle of applying for nothing.
  3. Once you get my ok, go to the application form below. Once you have filled this form out completely, your site will be in the "queue". This means that your site is ready to be added to the ring from the webring server's point of view. Your site is not really yet on the ring at this point. Any time you would like you can look at what sites are currently in the queue. You can also come back later to edit your site info, if you wish. PLEASE NOTE: THIS FORM IS TEMPORARILY OUT OF COMMISSION. PLEASE JUST E-MAIL THE INFO BELOW TO ehw3@hotmail.com

    Submit your site to The Objective Art Webring
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

  4. Write down your password and site id info which will be e-mailed to you by the webring server.
  5. Cut the gateway HTML source code (below) and paste it to your site with the necessary modifications (your site id must be added to the relevant fields). To see what this generic version of the code looks like, I have used this version as the gateway script at the bottom of this page.

    ----Cut From Immediately Below Here----

    This site is a member of

    The Objective Art Webring.
    List ]
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    ----Cut To Immediately Above Here----

    If you would prefer, I can e-mail you the code. Just e-mail me.

  6. Finally, e-mail me. Tell me:
    1. Your name.
    2. The URL of your site.
    3. The fact that you have placed the code on your site.

Then I will go check out your site to verify that the code is (A), there, (B), in the right place and, (C) working properly. If it isn't I will tell you what is wrong. If everything is ok I will put your site in the ring listing, I will send you one more note of confirmation and voilą. You're on the Objective Art Webring.

If there are ever any problems along the way, just e-mail me and we will straighten it out.

If you ever wish to be removed from the Objective Art Webring, please first, e-mail me telling me who you are, and that you want to be taken out of the ring. If you don't mail me first you may forget to do so later and then we would have all these links that don't work. Then remove the gateway code from your page and remove your site via the webring homepage site management section.

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Webring policies.
The fine print
(which isn't actually printed in fine print because that would just make it harder to read).

  • The code for the webring gateway must be placed on the main entry point for you page (This is often the index.html file.)
  • It is preferred that the code be placed at the bottom of the page. If your page layout is better with the code somewhere else that's ok, however. (Such as in a left-hand link table or frame.)
  • If your site uses frames, the code must be modified, if necessary, such that the gateway links completely out of your site, and the target must be the curent browser. The webring must not be used to view other people's sites from within your site's frames.
  • There isn't much to the gateway script (on purpose). If you know HTML and/or JScript, etc. you may feel free to modify the gateway script in any way you like, such that it fits with the style of your site as long as:
    • It is clearly visible and stands out (at least to some degree) from the rest of your page.
    • It is easy to use and can be used by any browser.
    • It retains the same basic functionality.
    • It retains the basic "XXXX is a member of The Rational Art Webring" statement.
  • Member sites must not contain photographic nudity (nudity in paintings and sculptures is fine), anything illegal, unauthorized reproductions of copyrighted material [for use, display or download], plagerized material, excessive foul language, or anything which could reasonably be interpreted as likely to get me or any of the webring member sites sued or criminally procecuted.
  • Member sites should not contain material which advocates general philosophies or moral, political or esthetic philosophies which are directly opposed to the philosophy of Objectivism. These include, but are not limited to:
    • Communism or any form ot Totalitarianism or Collectivism
    • Any religion or Mysticism
    • Anarchism
    • Libertarianism
    • "Tolerationism" (If you don't know what that is, you are probably safe.)
    • "Neotech" (Same as previous.)
    • And of course, Non-Representationalism in any of its forms.

    This may not even be an issue if your site is not focused on philosophical issues, but just on samples of your work, etc. In any case please understand that if you hold such ideas this doesn't necessarily mean that your site is out. You are welcome to hold any of these ideas yourself so long as it doesn't show up on your webpage to such a degree that I notice it. Basically this is most relevant if your page is essentially just a propaganda vehicle for such ideas. I am sorry if you don't like this rule, but without it, many of the better site owners (including myself) would be unwilling to become involved for reasons of sanction. If it is a problem there are plenty of Non-Objective Art Webrings out there that you could join.

  • The most important thing I will be looking for is basically rational ideas about art, or decent quality art (which is most likely going to have to be based on such ideas, whether you discuss them or not), or a usefull product for people who create or appreciate such art.

Please report violations of these policies to me at ehw3@hotmail.com. Webring members who repetedly violate these policies will be removed from the ring.

Finally, something which is not a rule, but a suggestion:

The bigger the ring gets, the better it is for its members. All of the members can play a part in expanding the ring. Keep an eye out for other sites that should be on the ring.

This brings me to the final rule, which is that if you find a site that you think should be on the ring and want to suggest it, please don't e-mail them about it yourself unless you are on good terms with the owner. The reason for this is that other members may have already found the site and already e-mailed them many times (very irritating for the site owner and potentially dangerous for the webring). The solution is for every one who finds such a site to e-mail me and tell me about it and then I can e-mail an invitation to the site just once. Feel free to advertise the ring in whatever way you wish. Just adhere to normal internet ettiquet when you do. Remember that if enough people complain to the server on which the Objective Art Webring is located it could easily be deleted, so please--no spam.

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If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please don't hesitaite to e-mail me at: ehw3@hotmail.com

                                                                 --Evans Winner, Webring Manager

This site is a member of
The Objective Art Webring.
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