Felaket seni bulmadan, sen Akut'u bul :)

Önce Reklamlar ::-)

Paraya para demeyeceksiniz!...

WB01515_.gif (482 bytes)Eger sadece internette surf yaparak ayda mininum 20$ kazanmak istiyorsaniz asagidaki banner'a tiklayin ve hemen uye olun! (Kredi karti, banka hesap no. vs... hic bir sey gerekmeden :) Yapmaniz gereken sadece uye olmak ve download edeceginiz 165 kb.lik banner programi surf yaparken acik tutmak :) Hepsi bu.... Üstelik eger sizde baskalarini kendi numaraniz üzerinden uye yaparsaniz, onlar surf yaptikca daha fazla kazanacaksiniz!!!...

BS00005A.gif (2466 bytes)If you want to earn 20$ for a month only through surfing on the web, click to banners and join them! No required Credit card number or Bank account number etc... Only join them and download a banner program (165 kb.) by there and open that while on surfing internet...:) And if you make join another people by your account number, you'll earn more while they are surfing!!! :))

                                       Click here, join and make money! - Buraya tikla, uye ol ve kazan!

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WB01515_.gif (482 bytes)Ve iste bu da bir diger surf yaparken, para kazandiran servis...Banner'a  tiklayin, uye olun, programi download edip, hemen para kazanmaya baslayin!....

BS00005A.gif (2466 bytes)And this is another service that make money while surfing... Click on the banner, join it, make download their program and make money!...

                                       Click here and earn money! - Buraya tikla ve kazan!

Not: Bu olaylar saka degil, gercektir. Adresinize her ay 20$'lik cek postalanicak, onun icin formlardaki bosluklara dogru bilgiler yazin! Her iki servisede uye olabilirsiniz. Daha fazla ayrinti icin sayfalardaki bilgileri okuyun veya bana bir e-mail gonderin.

Note: These aren't joke, they are true. They will send a check (20$) to your adrress, for that fill to the membership forms by true informations! You are able to member both of services. For more information, please read those pages or send an e-mail me.

WB01468_1.gif (7370 bytes)

                                    Turkce sayfam icin lutfen asagiya tiklayin.                         Click down for my english page.

                                         Turkce sayfam icin lutfen buraya tiklayin!                       Click here for my english page!



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