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Welcome to my world!

Hey there! I'm Jayme, but most people at school call me Yahmay. I'm a senior at Lambuth University, and I'm having a blast in college. I'm a dual-degree candidate; I'm hoping to get a BA in Music with a minor in French and a BS in Math with a minor in International Studies. Totally unrelated, sure, but I'll be able to do about anything. That's good, because I'm still unsure about what's gonna happen after Lambuth. What else do I do? I'm in Phi Sigma Eta, a Christian service organization for women. (We have a web page, and the link is on my links page. I can say that 'cause I'm in charge of it!) I also am Membership chair and the Religious Life Council representative. I'm in concert band, where I play mallet percussion; jazz band, where I play alto sax; and pep band, where I play piccolo. I also sing alto in the concert choir.
What's there to say about me? I love God, and want to serve Him in all I do. I'm also known as smart and silly...well, smart until I got to college! I love to make people laugh, even if it means doing something totally stupid. But I'm one of the few people that can laugh at myself, so everything works out great.
I'm still not done with this page. Sorry! I'm also working on the GSP page, and hopefully Camp Martin and Boy Scout Camp pages as well. You can email me at if you want to talk!
Come back and see me sometime!

Okay, for those of you that were complaining, here you go. A new picture!

Do I look like Rachael Leigh Cook? Because I get that a lot!

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