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Cautions About Using The Internet
At present, websites offering medical information are not regulated for accuracy, proper disclosures, or ethical practices including privacy, accountability, identification of sources of information, links to other sites, and methods of contacting the parent organization and registering consumer complaints.  
The consumer is advised to be cautious and to find out:

  Is the author a researcher, physician, organization, patient, or health writer?
  Is the author credentialed or otherwise qualified to provide  accurate information? 
  Are references or documentation (e.g., a bibliography) provided?
  Is the article intended as fact or opinion?
  How current is the information? 
  Are products promoted?  Are sales tactics reasonable, or pushy and somewhat suspect?

Please keep in mind the above facts while visiting sites on internet, including my site.
Please consult with experienced, credentialed professionals in making decisions regarding treatment and other important issues.

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