In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Welcome to Nadia's Home Page

General Information About Islam

Contains various links to beautiful web sites on the internet about Islam and Muslims. Come and discover why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and why it is the most practiced.

"Allah created the heavens and the earth for just ends, and in order that each soul may find the recompense of what it has earned, and none of them shall be wronged."

(The Holy Quran 45:22)

The Abbottabad Home Page

This page has lots of information of Abbottabad, N.W.F.P., Pakistan. Have a tour of Abbottabad and see the beautiful pictures of one of the most scenic places in Pakistan. This is an unique page on the internet as there is no page as yet that speaks of the city of Abbottabad.

Nadia's Pakistan Page

Filled with many links to information, news, reports and pictures about the beautiful country of Pakistan.

Nadia's Page of Poetry and Quotes

If you enjoy reading about things that trigger the thought process and contemplating about life, existence and their meaning, then you'll want to check out this page. Read and reflect. Includes passages as well!!

Muslims in Ottawa and on Campus

Muslims in the west are growing by the Grace of Allah. Visit this site for links and information about upcoming events in and around Ottawa, both on the Campuses of Ottawa U and Carleton U and off of them.

Number of visitors since 19 May 1998:

Last updated 31 October, 1999
Copyright © 1998 Nadia H. Saifuddin

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