Jennifer O. York
my links
go underground-my online diary
of my time in Mongolia
a picture of me
literature sites
robert burns poetry
christina rosetti poetry
joseph conrad stories
matthew arnold various
my poetry
excerpts from my favorite songs
excerpts from my favorite poems
rudyard kipling
more kipling
      more pictures
rilke's "panther"
carroll through the looking glass
auden memory of yeats
pound "river merchant's letter"
Fun Sites
Dream Dictionaries--What does it means when you dream of a dolphin, a midget, or a nymphomaniac? Find out! a dream dictionary, a dream forum where other users can interpret your dream, and a list of common dream themes. pretty much the same definitions as dreammoods.'t have as many words , but has words not included in other dream dictionaries online dictionary is based on one written around 1900 (although the site doesn't inform you).  Uses the symbols in your dream to tell your fortune.