
Hi, My name is Sunday Blue. I am very pleased and excited that you have visited me here at my website. Feel free to browse around and make yourself at home.

Let me tell you a little about my family. I have a 8 yr. old son named Curtis. My husband Dwayne and I are in our middle thirties. Our extended family consist of our 3 dogs, all full blooded. Bluetoes is my Chow Chow. Then we have our two newest additions that joined us over the holidays in 97'. Maxie is a Blue Heeler which belongs to my son, and Lillie is a Pointer. My husband was a professional hunting guide for Greystone Castle and Lillie is a working dogs that lived at the kennel with the other hunting dogs. Now, in year 2000, Lillie has moved in with us as a yard dog. She spends her days pointing squirrels.

We live at a lake in the middle of nowhere in west Texas. The family enjoys spending time together doing activities such as jetskiing, sailing, fishing, biking, camping, flying remote control airplanes and the list goes on. A 2000 year update now includes Curtis' dirt bike and our slide-in camper. Camping in Texas during the summer months is now unthinkable. We reach temperatures over 110 degrees and are currently in a 3 month drought. The slide-in gives us an air conditioner to get out of the heat in.

I will always have a great love for horses. In my teens I had several horses and participated in activities including play days, barrel racing, western pleasure, halter classes, showmanship, etc...


For six years I worked as a Mutuel Teller at Trinity Meadows which was a horse racing track. I loved my job so much I drove over 100 miles round trip to work there. When their doors closed in August of 1996 a new track opened in Grand Prairie named Lonestar. The drive for me then became 200 miles round trip. For obvious reasons I had to give that up in the summer of 1997. A job closer to home meant a serious pay-cut, and after child care expenses were deleted, it left me wondering if it was all worth it. I was away from my son more than 40 hours a week, working a job I didn't like, and I brought home less than half of what I made working 20 hours at the track.

That is when I started looking for something to do closer to home. Romantic Dreamers has given me the opportunity to work close to home, on the internet, in Crafters Malls & First Mondays. I really enjoy this business and I'm meeting alot of interesting people along the way. I'm also enjoying checking out others hand crafted work.

I am now proud to announce that I am handling my own personal candle line, "Forget-Me-Not Candle Company.


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