Swimming with Dolphins
                                         - in Paradise

        A guide to professional wild dolphin swims
~Exotic Locations Worldwide~
"Wild dolphin swims are hot this year" and everyone has a million questions about where can they go on one and how much they cost and who to call to go on one.

Luckily there is help out there. And it comes in a pretty book with all of your questions answered.
      This informative book lists 20 popular destinations worldwide to swim with dolphin in the wild. Through 7 years of hard research Missy has collaborated valuable information  on locations, the dolphin experience, professional operators, dolphin etiquette, dolphin statistics, faq's, insider tips, resources and more.

      Dolphin lovers who want to experience a wild dolphin encounter will be amazed on the abundance of knowledgable information on cost, operators, locations and available swims.
This book is great for those ready to experience the once in a lifetime experience of swimming with a wild dolphin.

Call Missy and get the book now.


Celebrities love this book, it's the hottest new adventure, and this book was written by the hot new celebrity "The Dolphin Girl"

"If you haven't done a wild dolphin swim than what have you been doing."

If you would like information on wild dolphin swims or are interested in my book please contact;
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