this is a page for anyone who is or have been in love. "I will never let go"


Together -  Forever
that's what i thought we'd be
i thought we'd never break up
and it would always be you and me

i guess i should have known
that nothing good lasts long
saying we would last forever.....
i now know i was wrong

we were the perfect couple
now that i have to say
we share a kind of love
that will never go away

but now that things are over
i don't know what to do
my days are filled with emptiness
i'm always feeling blue

i feel completely empty
without you in my life
it feels like my heart has been shattered
like someone hit it with a knife

Together - Forever
that's what i thought we'd be
but then i woke up from my dream
and faced reality.

When you left,
you took my heart with you.
When you said goodbye,
my life went too.
I know it's been a while,
and I know I should move on.
How can I, when in my heart I'm still with you?
You used to look at me,
but now you see right through me.
You used to talk to me,
but now you talk about me.
You used to love me,
but now you love to hate me.
When your flame went out,
mine was still burning.
When your heart no longer wanted me,
mine was broken.
  can still see,
but you blinded me.
I can still breath,
but you took my breath away.
A nd I can still live,
but my life is gone.
Yes it is true, now you are "free"
So why am I still a prisoner to your heart?
