PUMP-HER'S REALM www.geocities.com/Paris/Palais/7758

Distant Cries

Do you know of ones despair,
the darkness in their lives,do you care?
How far away is the distant cry,
behind a door,or when they died.

Those with sight,but care not to see.
Those with hearing,but deaf to thee.
Open your eyes,your ears and sense with me,
with your heart ,it is a gift for free.

Showing you care brightens the way,
sharing a smile to help with their day.
With extended arms we embrace their fear,
lending our support as we draw them near.

As time goes on the fear goes by,
shedded tears now are dry.
Distant cries, now put to rest,
compassion rules, we've shown our best.

Judge not less you be Judged

One should walk in the others shoes , feel what the other feels and to know what the other know before you pass judgement on another.If one must judge then do so with understanding , compassion and love , if you know what real love is, if not then let the man upstairs do it. Look in your own closet and make sure you have nothing to hide , whether it be small or large , then stop and think about it, does it give you the right, no sorry it dont. When one tells you the way it is why doubt them when they have proven time before the way it really is. Oh how this world really is..for some it is best to run then to fight..i would rather die fighting then to give up on what i believe and who i believe.

These Chains represents the people i have met while on the net. There are times we have shared some very special moments together , whether it was laughing , joking ,and just caring what was going on in one anothers life. We have shared quiet moments , sad moments , and have raised a little hell now and then. But true friends alway support each other or give them their space when they need it. My wishes are that all links remain strong and true and that this chain continues to grow.

Life's Little Book

As the minutes go by,
another lesson is learned.
A challenging battle lost,
Your heart has been burned.

And hour by hour,
darkness rules the sky.
Depression sets in,
you crash off your high.

Then, there is day after day,
you are back on your feet,
loving,lusting,and dreaming
over the one you'll never meet.

Month after month,
You place a rose on the grave.
Of the life,
you wish, you could have saved.

Now that the years have passed by,
you can remember the vows that you took.
And the life that passed away,
As you close life's little book.


Remind Me

Cursed to remember,
the sight in your eyes.
Seeing the disgust,
hidden behind my lies.

Cloaking myself in darkness,
your vision impaired, once again.
Better you will never seen me,
so i may live with what i am.

Syphoning life through you,
to make myself what i am not.
And you remind me at every glance,
no matter how hard i have fought.

My eyes tell a story,
of a soul filled with despair.
Cracking at the seams,
of a life with no one to share.

Now confronted with a mirror,
my eyes staring back at me.
Gazing at what i am not
through my eyes, it is all i see.

Thank you Lady Poet, i so enjoyed working with you on this poem,i will love you forever..your father, PumpHer

The Ocean's Hunger

I watch the clouds building
Growing dark like the night's sea
A great storm is waging
Within the depths of me

Clouds of darkness
Devouring my soul
Tears of depression
Drowning it all

Like the raging winds
My thoughts are out of control
And like the great waves of the ocean
My heart takes that massive fall

Like that small ship
Lost at sea
I constantly pray
That someone will find me

But like that tiny vessel
That is damaged beyond repair
The dark brooding hunger of the ocean
Consumes what is left of me

Thank you , Baby Deamon i knew ya was had it in ya...i will love you forever..your father, PumpHer

This space is reserved for my other daughter,LITTLE MISS, who i hope in time will add what she may write.I will love you forever..your father,PumpHer

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person,we will know to be grateful for the that gift.
When the doors of happiness closes, another opens,but often we look so long at the closed door that we dont see the one which has been opened for us.
The best friend is the kind you can sit on the porch and swing with,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
Its true that we dont know what we got until we lose it,but it is also true that we dont know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Dont go for looks,they can deceive. Dont go for wealth,even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.
Find that one that make your heart smile. May you have enough happiness to make sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrows to keep you human,enough hope to bring you joy.
Always put yourself in another's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person ,too.
The happiest of people dont necessarily have to have the best of things,they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
The brightest futures will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't get on well in life until you let go of past failures and heartaches.
When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
Be blessed and comfort someone else with these words.


Please come back soon and visit me.

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