VegasExec was formerly a site where Las Vegas Execs could go and get info on the who's who and the what's what in Las Vegas. Not anymore!
VegasExec is now the contact page for Vegas, the Las Vegas Shard of UO. This is a private shard. You can only gain access by invitation only.

You will need to go to and download the uogateway frontend. You must also have UO installed on your computer. When setting up UOGateway you will set your access to and use port 2593.

This shard is currently using RunUO RCO 1.0.
Although the spawning of the shard is similar in nature to UO, it has a Vegas twist!

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Vegas, UO with a Las Vegas Twist!!
Is Lady Luck on your side, or will luck side against you in the heat of battle? Care to make a wager on it?