Another Time Undone

An original composition written for me!

Welcome to my new little corner of the universe! My name is Sarah, known to some as Sarie, and others as...well, words we won't say online! :) Within these pages you will learn more about me, and also discover the most intriguing and fascinating art, music and literature that I know of. Please take time to look through my pages and don't forget to sign the guestbook when you are done. And hey, if you like it, tell a friend! So please sit back, relax, and enjoy your time here.

Let me mention that I did "borrow" most of my images and sounds from other sites online; that being the case, please feel free to take whatever you like from here. There is only one exception, and that is please do not take the wav file or scrolling box from the beginning of this page. Thank you.

Sight and Sound

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since January 6, 1999

This page was created by
~Unlimited Lou~
on January 4, 1999

The page was last updated on
May 28, 1999