Welcome to the realm of
Aphrodite's Apprentice
otherwise known as thewritinggoddess, whoneeds2know, or thepoetgoddess (on excite)
Maybe I should give you a bit of background about me before I let you loose in the true realm of my mind.  My name is actually Brittany.  I just moved to Tallahassee, FL from MS.  I'm going to be going to FSU this upcoming Spring semester and I plan to major in English Education, with a minor in Theatre.  However, I will still work towards my true passion: creative writing.This is where my apprenticeship comes into effect; my writing is where my passion for love and peace and fertility shows itself.  Which is also why I am not just known as, but truly am, The Poet Goddess.  Poetry is my perferred form of expression; however, I do wish to write that one best-selling, literature-changing book someday soon.  There are other parts of my personality I could share with you...but I'd rather hope to talk to some of you personally one day.  If my poetry strikes a chord, or turns you away, let me know why...I'm ALWAYS open to constructive, or nonconstructive, criticism.   With no further adeux, I unleash you into the realm of my super alter-ego: Aphrodite's Apprentice.
Click here to enter more infor about me and the poetry link page from here.
To send me your comments, or just to simply write me, my address is no other than thepoetgoddess@excite.com
Would you have expected less?  :)
If you've been through my poems and you're wondering, yes, I'm fanatical about wizards.  I own over twenty figurines and three books.  I think they are just amazing!  So, if anybody could be nice enough to share their knowledge of good wizard pic pages, PLEASE email me at the above link!!!  :P Thanks!
Here are some links that could give you a bit more into my mind's eye...maybe:
I am currently on
MySpace as Brittany Kuhn and TheFacebook for college.  Check me out and add me as a friend!!!
I love Our Lady Peace and Incubus...they inspired me to start writing my novel!:
Our Lady Peace
Enjoy Incubus
Writer's Block tends to catch me sometimes.  Here's a great place to sort of 'get away from it all.'
There's forums for poets and songwriters, too:
Writer's Block
And last, but not the least, every writer has to have a place to just goof off.  Here's a link to two of my fav. game pages:
Hope you enjoy the links!!!  Mail me more that you think I may like...I'm always up to see new things!!!
Sign my guestbook, if you'd like...it was originally so my boyfriend could see how we were doing while he was in Iraq. But, he's back now, so it's a free for all signing!!! :P