<BGSOUND SRC="/ravenwrites/still_loving_you.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my world.  Here you will find pages of my poetry, my dreams and ramblings from my heart.  I hope you enjoy your visit and return often to see new works.  Vixen
Our Love

Where are the words
They once came so easy
Now they pale
Compared to what I feel

Once I could convey
My feelings flowed
Like a river upon the page
Spilling out of my heart

How do I describe
A love that fills me
A desire so strong
A complete happiness

What can I say
When I love you
Seems so inadequate
So Inept

There are no words
Strong enough
To tell you
What you bring to my life

Yet I have only
To look into your eyes
Then I know
You search for words too...
A Perfect Rose

I hide so much of myself
fearing what the world will think
Not knowing how I am supposed to act
Not knowing who I am supposed to be

You see within me, you bring me out
Out of that dark place where I choose to hide
You free me and show me all the treasures I possess
You accept me and reveal to me the woman that I am

Within your presence I open up
Like the delicate petals of a perfect rose
Layer by layer I reveal myself to you
Knowing you will understand and love me

Regardless of where this life takes me
No matter what the future holds
I will never forget the woman you have shown to me
I have come to love her as I have come to love you

Someone gave me my life tonight
A single word, A knowing smile
And my purpose became clear to me
How can it be
It seems so simple now
And yet I could not see it before

Someone opened my eyes tonight
To a world I thought was lost
A time so full of promise
A dream unfulfilled
But never forgotten
A purpose once very dear to me

Someone believed in me tonight
They stroked my broken wings
And cried
Not from sorrow, but for joy
As I blossomed from the broken shell
That once imprisioned me

Someone gave me hope tonight
A hope that fills my very soul
A shining star to light the way
Here in my eyes
It burns so bright for all to see

Someone sparked a fire tonight
A mighty blaze that warms my heart
And yet I fear they will never know
Because of them I now believe
Dreams can come true

Here in this world a woman awaits
Patiently seeking the one who stole
Her heart
Aching to hold him once more
To see him ride out of the mists of
Her mind
And into her reality

High atop a mountain she waits
It is as if time stands still
Mocking her
Taunting her
Torturing her soul

It seems the day will never come
And still she waits
For to give up hope
Would only destroy
The desires he hath awoken
In her

Soon my love
Soon you shall return
And all this time will
Melt away
As you hold me in your arms
And I sweetly whisper
I love you
All poetry is the sole property of K L Rife and cannot be used or reproduced without written permission.  The Author can be reached by email at md_red@hotmail.com