Morrighan's Mansion
Copyright © Jonathon Earl Bowser
My name is Kelly, but many call me Kels, or Morrighan, as I am known here. Morrighan is the Irish goddess, the Great Morrigu, queen of the faeries, goddess of lakes and rivers... and war. Thats why I chose her as my patron Goddess, she is just nifty...
This is my home on the web...Castle, if you like. Come inside, walk around, and make yourself at home. You are welcome to do whatever you want here, just keep in mind the Law of Three-fold Return. *EG* I have lots of things here, so... have at it.
The Recieving Room (more about me)
Library (new additions!)
Spirits of the Castle
Coat of Arms (banners)
Corridors (links)
Hidden Passageways (webrings)
The Room of Magick (info about Wicca)
Guestrooms (guestbook now open!!)

This is Aislin, my adopted baby dragon. Please don't take her from my home, she likes it here. Go adopt your own dragon, if you feel the need.
Well, at least tell me you were here.
Mail me or you can use this other address.
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