
Petit Palais


bulletParis was a diverse community of Artists, Writers, Francophiles, Romantics, Musicians and Music Lovers, Europe enthusiasts, and Museum patrons located in the Old Geocities (pre Yahooski).
The Petit Palais is where you can go to find the good and GREAT sites in the theme of Paris. Our directory strived to link great sites on the paris themes not just great pages which anyone can do. A great site is a treasure, a treasure we at Petit Palais were dedicated to highlighting and showcasing here at Petit Palais. Petit Palais has closed to new applicants but we leave the directory here for your viewing pleasure.

bulletWe welcome you to browse through the categories and explore the riches of the Paris community.
For the curious *smile* - about the "real" Petit Palais


The Listings

Paris Petit Palais is not responsible for the content of any page linked to it. Petit Palais reserves the right to remove any link without notice if found to be missing or in violation of the Yahoo!Geocities TOS or our guidelines for membership.


email us!
Paris Petit Palais is a collaborative project of the Paris Community Leaders.


Featured Page in Paris! The Paris Gazette  Featured in the Geo Gazette!

Graphics on this page made for Petit Palais by MM. Use not authorized without written permission by MM.

last updated 3/31/2002 dmj
© 1996-2002 Paris Petit Palais
Original Concept for Petit Palais by Stormdancer.