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Welcome to

Hi there! Welcome to The Canadian Rockies, "
It's wonderful to have company, c'mon in I'm so pleased you stopped by.
Welcome to my part of the world, "Sunny Southern Alberta".
I was born and raised here in the Heart of the Canadian Rockies.
"I live and breath the pure mountain air...
I've placed my hopes and dreams here in the mountains...
It's here that I found *Me* and yet as I journey through life I am still "becoming"....."
We might even get a Chinook Wind while your here. You'll find me here doing ordinary things, and enjoying life.
I've been married for 44 years. I have three grown children, and six grandchildren. I have 1 cat *Missy* I cherish my children and grandchildren. They are most dear to me and precious in my life. I've enjoyed my work over the years, but I'd like to think my two daughters, Linnet and Linda and my son, Doug are my most treasured and valued accomplishments. Plus now I have the pleasure of spending quality time and making "forever memories" with my grandchildren. Learning and growing in mind and spirit is important to me. Working in the Agricultural sector, suits my country roots.
I've met some very wonderful people since I've been on the internet, and I'm so proud to call them my friends. I've had the good fortune to meet them mostly through Email when they have visited me here at my virtual home. And some through a Mom's group I joined.
**Smiles** :-)
Tell me, Are you lonesome tonight...
Are you wondering if anyone thinks of you?
I do, If you will just touch my shoulder with your mouse.....
Trust me.. I promise... You'll have your own "Flo Thought's".....
So, if you're out there tonight, and you think no one cares.....
Remember, I'm thinking of you...**

Chief Mountain, Southwest Alberta
From dawn's early light,
'till the sun's last rays greet the dusk,
the beautiful picture of Chief Mountain is mine,
complements of the Lord.


You may email me if you care to, since I don't have a guestbook at this time
I've Taken my Guest Book offline because people have been very disrespectful this past year. It's a waste of time having it filled with advertisments and other disgusting things. Thank you to all those who were so kind over the years.
View My Old Guestbook

I am so thrilled to have been chosen to receive The AWESOME SITE AWARD FROM USA
DRIFTERS! This is indeed an Honor. Thank you!

Matilda - Where the World Searches the web. A Guide to Australian Sites and also the rest of the World...Please click on one of these buttons and see Australia and Canada.

I am proud Member of RAOK.

Hopefully things will be added from time to time. So Please come back again to see me.

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