Greetings from Outer Space!!!

Welcome to my HomePage.
I'm Abdulhakim Ahmed.

I have just updated this page and added some close-up pics!!

The purpose of my page is:

  • Understanding
  • Knowledge
  • Communication
Here's my pictures for that special someone:

The Future:

Who I am:

A man who stands for reason. I am also a poet. Here are some of the poems I have written:

This Reality
A Smile to the Untold Stories
Different Sights
The Nature of Time
Time's Toll
The Nature of Love
The Unheard Cry
The Blazing Fire
My Way
A Truely Canadian Face

Random Harmony
To Which End
This Age We Call
Beauty in the Dark
Prophecy's Enigma
Unbound Life
Tears of Fire Flies
The Burning for Love
The Unbearable Thirst
A Matter of Questions
A Walk in the Dark Park

Why I am here:

To learn, understand and discover the nature of our Universe and Existance.

Where I'm going:

I hope to work as a RFIC or ASIC designer for the Product Research and Developement Department of an Electronics Company based in Canada.

What I'm doing:

I have just finished my Masters in Electrical Engineering at Carleton University in here Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I'm presently doing my PhD in Electronics (Electrical Engineering) at Carleton University. I already have two years work experience from my co-op work-terms.

My Personal Interests:

It is my intention to discover or invent a way to control Gravity using presently available technology - this is neither a plan to get rich nor is it a search for power (because I believe only God has ultimate power), but to help and to improve the state of humanity. I will be taking courses in Quantum Mechanics, Particle Physics, General and Special Relativity, and String Theory to improve my knowledge base in this area.

What I want:

To help the Humanity live better and understand.

For my personal details and other interests, click here.

Here are some pics of Mombasa, Kenya from my recent visit:

Here is my RESUME for those employers wanting to hire a fast-learning, hard-working RFIC, MMIC and Analog IC Designer (Electrical Engineer). You can also go to my Work Page where you can see the Integrated Circuits I made for during my 4th year at Carleton University.

E-mail me at in the meantime.
Please come back and visit me soon.