La Vie Lyonnais

Welcome to Fourviere

Update: I adopted my two fosterdaughters, Trajanique and Anastasia on September 9, 2004. Our new last name is Alencia. See photoalbum2.
My legal name is now Carmen Miranda Michele Yesenia Alencia.

I'm Carmen antoinette yesenia Michele adonia balisana Baker. I lived in the beautiful city of Lyon, France. I was there from August 1998 until June 1999. I took 10 hours of language courses, and 7 hours of options each semester: Histoire et Societe, Lit Classique, Geographie, et Civilization. Every anglophone should be able to read those. :) CIEF is a wonderful program for foreigners at Universite Lumiere. My friends are from many countries: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, Spain, Italy, Germany, Albania, Japan, Korea, Ecuador, etc.

The coolest thing about having so many international friends is that we all talk to each other in French! It's very interesting to learn each of their perspectives. In only the first minute of the day, I learned that Tetiana has trouble with the humidity after living in the dryer Moscow climate, whereas Ilka loves having -10°C weather. She considers it an adventure after living in heated Brazil.

My year went extreamly smoothly thanks to those at Centrè Oregon. Our wonderful director Roger, his very sweet, kind, and helpful wife Annick, our unfatigable Rémé who placed me so well with my host family, Kelly who helps us arrange our classes, and our fellow students Matt and Erika, who help the office run so well.

My host family consists of the ever kind and helpful Dominique who not only made wonderful French Cusine for me to feast on, but also answered questions on my homework and living in France, and then Hervé the motorcycle freak who broke his arm in an accident right before Christmas last year. Their three beautiful children are 15 year old Nicolas who helped me learn how to roller blade, my favorite friend-13 year old Stéphanie, and the ever playful 6 year old Marion. They all helped me with my french- teaching me by playing card games, and correcting my homework. I definately wouldn't have learned very much if it hadn't for them!
Photos and Info of Lyon

Thanks to all of my wonderful fishmarket friends. You Rock! Dani.
To my amazing fishmarket friends: Don't forget to write your favorite french girl.

to Paul and Brina

commited their lives
to each other
on June 17, 2000.

My other favs are Becki who is a missionary in Taiwan, and my favorite trekkie, Kitty, and the wonderful George Fox University from where I graduated in April 2000.

I have a wonderful family which will be welcoming new members. Paul & Sabrina are expecting Josiah Holmes He is due sometime in June. Then they will complete their adoption of my wonderful god-daughter Lynette, age 10 and fun-loving Michael, age 3, both from Kenya.

My younger sister Danielle visited
me in France for two weeks.
We explored France
and Italy during her time there.
We visited that perfectly preseved city of Pompeii!

My brother Michael also lives in Kent
I purchased a house on 9/27/02.

During my February vacation, I explored Portugal. My favorite was the very pretty walled city of Lagos on the southern coast. The beaches were beautiful with a temperature of 20-25°C.

I want to thank God for Jesus, our Lord and Savior who has blessed me so incredibly much by giving me such wonderful friends, and given me the strength to do all that I have done.

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My interests are:
French, Photography, Jesus, and much much more.

my European links -my links- my insprirations
My French Photos

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I learned htlm thanks incredibly much to Joe's goodies
adoption info
The Vietnam War
Caribbean Slideshow
Carmen Miranda Photos
another Carmen's Internet Cafe
Week by Week Pregnancy Progress
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Last update: Summer 1999.

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