How's It Going?
My name is Nathan Gillock, and I'm
a college sophomore at the University of Oklahoma, studying for my bachelor's in Biochemistry.
The picture to the right, wonderful as it is, is about 4 years old, but I will soon have a lot more on here.  Catch ya later.
OK, if you come to this sight, you have to send me something, a picture, an email, whatever, or otherwise, very bad things can happen :).  Anywho, you've stumbled onto a sight of my own, with a lot of pics of my friends, myself, military life and other :).  Thanks for checking it out.  My email is

Click Here to see Mike's Awesome Page!"

Click Here to see pics of our 2000 End O' the World New Years Eve party, which, yes, afterwards, I did lose the contents of my stomach, isn't that great?  Unfortunately, that was neither the last time I bowed to porcelain, nor the most embarassingly drunk I've been.

My Peoples
Keesler AFB Pics
Florida Pics
Less embarassing pics!
Right click here, then hit save target as.  Then save the file wherever you know you can find it (desktop works for most people) and when its done downloading, find it and double click to play it.
Basic Training Pics
AbandonWare Site