Looky!!! No need for separate pictures ..........
Lord Tim and Lady Rean got to meet this summer! :-)
Welcome to across the pond!!  Lord Tim and I (Lady Rean) have become great friends over the past year and a half.  Our families visit through the computer and the telephone, and we have been sending packages so we can learn about each other's cultures.  And now the ultimate has happened!!  I actually got on a plane, and I went to visit Tim and his family.   It was a fantastic week, and now this friendship that was once limited to words on a computer, or a friendly laugh over the phone, has gone that extra step further.  Please visit the links below to see and learn more about that fun visit. 

I still have a lot to figure out on here, and I am going to be adding new stuff as I figure it out, so I hope you will come back for a visit from time to time to see what has changed.  And please be patient! LOL  :-)
Email Lady Rean
Email Lord Tim
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About our channel....... Across the Pond
For those of you not familiar with IRC, it is a great program with thousands of channels of all sorts for people who want to chat and make friends all over the world, or maybe even meet people that live just down the road from them.  The most popular programs to connect to IRC is mIRC and pIRCh. There are others, but those two work the best.  There is a link below to help you get to the mIRC program if you decide you want to try it out!

In January of 1998, Tim and I met in a channel called #Hello on the Chatnet Server.  We quickly became great friends, we got our families involved in the friendship, and as the saying goes, the rest is history. :-)  Since I live in the Southern States, and Tim lives in England, we decided there should be a channel especially for Europeans to meet Americans.  We have made quite a few friends from both sides, and while I was over visiting, we mangaed to meet a few of them. 
These days, because of Tim's and my work, our channel can be found on Chatnet on Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's.  So, please! If you chat, come by and see us sometime! :-)
Interesting Sites to Visit:
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