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All poetry on this site is written by me, Mary A. Breer
The Ride Of Your Life

Spirited as the wild storm,
On the open plain.
I am a woman with emotions that change......
For all the seasons that come and abide....
If you are here, you are in for a ride.....

May you hold on tight, with force of steel..
For I am wild and can not appeal....
The need to explore and stir the winds.....
With ever changing moods, like the storm within...

Temper of fierce rage and torment,
Do not try to tame.........................
For that would be a mistake that you can not change......
But may you hang on tight.......
For this may very well be the ride of your life......

With the storm this too shall pass...
With calming winds in their path.....
The storm resides with moments of calm.....
Regain your strenght, for this too won't last long......

But beware.........
For the storm may never truely end.......
Only subside and begin again........


Does hope wear the face of an angel?
or the face of ourselves in the mirror?
or of the devil himself?
Who would have thought hope had so many faces?
or does it have a face at all?
Is it just a notion of people wanting and wanting,
and not knowing what name to call it?
Is that where the name comes from?
our imagination and conclusion......
I think we all have are own private faces for hope,
and faces we wear and see.
What is yours?

The Mirror

When I look in the mirror.......
I ask myself what I see?
A human being......
Looking back at me.

But there is so much more.....
That doesn't show itself anymore.......
It is hard to explain.......
And who am I to complain?

There is someone deep inside....
That has been there all the time.
Hiding like a frightened child....
Wanting nothing more than to be wild.

To explore life itself....
To its fullest with no looking back.......
Or condeming stares, or questions.............
How do you justify that?

To see the inter part of me that is screaming inside.....
But all it can do is hide.....
For someday soon it will surface......
And no one knows its purpose.......

But when if finds that day.
Maybe I will find my way......
And answers to all my questions that riddle my mind.........
All I have to do, is wait for that time.


As they lay me down to sleep,
I watch my children as they weep.....
For they shed tears of loss and grief.

I smile frome above,
For I have been loved.
I am at peace now, my soul no longer searching.....
For it is content in the presence of the learning....

No more daily chores,
And how could I ask for more?
For this place is eternal as my love for them....

And as warm as my body that has left them.
But they should not grieve for me,
For this place I came on my own free will.
They will not understand.........
I had to find this land.

For I could not go on......
And I had to respond,
to the calling inside.....
that I could not hide.

I will always be with them,
For I have helped create them...
May their earthly venture be long....
And we shall meet beyond....

When the time is right may they understand....
That I had to do this for the person I am...

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The Mountain

As the mountains are in the distance,
My mind wanders to the top....
Of places unseen, and territories not conquered....
In a way it is compliant with myself.
As my life goes on,
I find myself roaming thru uncharted territiory,
Inside myself and wondering if it has always been there?
Just not found by anyone... like the top of the highest mountain no one dares to climb.
The terrain is rough and coarse...
As my moods and emotions can be.
But it is also beautiful, and simple....... breathtaking to some.
As anyone knows that gets close enough to me to take the risk.
To venture on that uncharted, untouched territory,
many gifts can be found....
But also harsh realities, sometimes so severe....
That it forces people to flee, not knowing the real inside of me.
Or others to fight back and defend themselves, almost as to conquer or tame.
Only surviving and seeing the beauty with the pain.

I Scream

I stand alone and scream into the darkness of the night....
I have never felt the chill,
as I have tonight.
Alone and afraid, empty inside...
All I want to do is collapse and cry...
I stand alone and scream into the darkness of the night....
no one can hear me
I scream from the inside... from where I truely hide.
I stand alone and scream into the darkness of the night....
I scream for the emotions he doesn't feel..
He won't allow me into his heart .
So I must abide, by his rules.. of steel.
I stand alone and scream into the darkness of the night...
For the emotions and love so strong... that he fights.... he holds me at arms length... Never allowing me close.
I stand alone and scream into the darkness of the night...
He allowed me in, at on time....
That was sweet, and now has turned bitter....
And I can not forget what once was..... that has now dithered...
Though he believes it is alive,
How do I tell him it is about to die?
I stand alone and scream into the darkness of the night...
At arms length, never comming so close again....
For he says... "that would be the end..."
But isn't this the end???? At arms length......
Never to feel this way again........
I stand alone...............

By Mary Breer

If you see anything you like please feel free to contact me...
Or if you find anything that might be benifical to this site or would like posted.
Please send comments or questions to
Thank you to all of my friends that have helped me ....
thru yesterday, today, and tomorrow..........I hold you preciously to my heart......
Bugsy58 -Boss581