Free, on-line, painting and drawing lessons and lesson plans for students, teachers and others by professional artists.
Hagan Painting Auctioned for
Austistic Children

John Hagan: (Biography)

This is a free site for students who want to learn 'how to look' and teachers who require practical drawing and painting lesson notes. Cowdisley Lessons are currently being used by over 1000 US and international schools, colleges, universities and ateliers by teachers for their classroom lesson plans. We aim for a world of greatly improved visual 'literacy' and begin here with the basics. Here are direct links to the popular Educators Network and Site For Teachers who also list our lesson plans. We also provide free classical painting lessons.

Lausanne Academy (French and Spanish translations)
'Best painting lessons on the web' ...
John Hagan's classic 'Bounty' paintings, include the ten featured in the History Channel's documentry on the 'Bounty Mutiny', a French TV 'Mutiny' documentary, the British Heritage magazine and numerous book covers. The unique 'Shakespeare portrait' has appeared on two recent book covers. Hagan's paintings aim to fill the visual gaps of our history which is, after all, the primary role of the artist. In the ancient tradition of the 'painter's guild' the range of images shown on this site are subject to Copyright 1997-2008© John Hagan. - all rights are therefore reserved.

(DVD & CD) New DVD($45) lesson filming John painting a large landscape and CD of all the lessons ($29)
also: A Blind Eye Art satire and burlesque writings.
Free On-line Video Lessons
1) About brushes
2) Painting Roses Part 1
3) Painting Roses Part 2
Special thanks to painting professionals David HaganWilliam Whitaker, Virgil Elliott , Anne Kullberg, Chad Wooters, Louise Clare and art historian Iian Neil for their contributions to the painting lessons NEW Commodore Perry and the 1813 battle of Lake Erie.
Thor - God of Thunder the painting and story.
Christopher Columbus, Portrait, seascape of his ships reaching the New World and text.

The 'Cowdisley' site receives over 10,000 page hits a day so please be patient if some of the pages take a little while to access.
John Hagan's authorized agents: Professor Herb Ford (USA) 707 965 2047
Neil Miller (ArtVisions - USA) 425 746 2201
David Jones (Australia) 07 5450 6090

Online Art News Sites: Today's New York Times Art News. Today's 'Guardian Unlimited' stories from the UK art world. The Art Newspaper - an up to date news sheet of art politics and events. The weekly digest from Absolute Arts. ArtNet provides some of the latest news articles in the world of art. Art News (monthly) from Art Encyclopedia.  Art sales: Christies    Sotherbys

Some Cowdisley recommendations
'You have helped more than you every will know. Somethings that have been explained to me before--you made them clear.
'If it's ok with you, I'm considering using your site in my next class for examples of composition and colour - as well as outstanding information and painting techniques. Is this alright?
' My life will not be measured by how many breaths I take, but rather, by how many moments take my breath away. Thank you for many many moments. I look forward to many many more.
'I am in the process of printing these first three lessons in beginning drawing for 9 - 14 year olds. (And beginning drawing for adults too!!)
'I am 37 years old and did your drawing lessons for 9-14 year olds and I must say, they are terrific!
It works like magic. Keep up the great lessons, us adults like them too.
'Your paintings of roses are outstanding. It's hard to choose a favourite they are all really lovely.
'I really enjoyed painting along with you as you invented Sylvia
'I just completed 2 years of art college and did not learn half as much as I did about color theory, perspective, design etc. as I did just this morning from YOU!!! ....................
'I love your website!!!!! I can't wait to tell my students about it!!!!!
'Please e-mail any news or changes in this beautiful page.
'As a fellow artist, I really like your web site and especially the lessons. Also, I enjoyed reading your attempts of creating the Alexander the Great painting ( I like the result and love your style)
'Are you a communist, a socialist, just plain generous, a believer in the free dissemination of knowledge, or when I downloaded some of your notes to my printer did I leave myself exposed to public prosecution, which I now deny having done of course!
'....... it is a most gorgeous and romantic painting, realistic, colorful and very very romantic view. I loved it. Can you tell me how you get your inspiration?