Installation of Oracle9i Enterprise Database Server
  1. Login the PC as "Administrator"
  2. Turn off any Antivirus program before installation
  3. Insert CD-ROM in CD-ROM drive
  4. Click on [Install/Deinstall Products]
  5. Click on [Next]
  6. Source:
  7. Destination...
  8. Select a product to install
  9. Enter Global Database Name: Ora9i
  10. SID: ora9i (automatically typed)
  11. Click on  [Next]
  12. Enter Directory for Database Files: C:\Oracle\oradata
  13. Click on [Next]
  14. Enable the radio-button for "Use the default character set"
  15. Click on [Next]
  16. Click on [Install]
  17. Copying files.... (it may take about 30 to 45 minutes depending the speed of your CPU)
  18. The following message is displayed:
You can find a log of this install session at:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions.log
If you install another product, the above log will be copied to:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions2001-10-15_02-02-32-PM.log
  1. Please insert Oracle9i disk 2 into your disk drive or specify an alternative location.
  2. Click on [OK].
  3. Please insert Oracle9i disk 3 into your disk drive or specify an alternative location.
  4. Click on [OK].
  5. The "Oracle Database Configuration Assistant" message window shows the following message:

    Global Database Name: Ora9i
    System Identifier SID: Ora9i
    SYS Password: Change_on_install
    SYSTEM Password: manager
    Click on [Exit]
You need at least 1,144,356KB (1.1GB) on C:\. 
You have only 265,644KB available
  1. You will see ticks for each of the following:
Tool Name Status
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant  succeeded
Staring Oracle HTTP service succeeded
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant succeeded
Oracle Intelligent Agent
  1. When you see "End of Installation", click on [Exit], [Yes].
  2. NOTE: You may be required to increase Virtual Memory.

To run SQL*PLus logging on as "SYS":
  1. Click on [Start], Programs, Oracle - OraHome81, Application Development, SQL Plus
  2. Login without Host String:
  3. Alternatively, login with Host String of "ora9i"