Ron's Home Page

So, no kidding, there I was one day just thinking to myself.  Y'know, you know nothing of this damned contraption sitting on the desk here.  Why don't you try to be useful or something.  Do a little experimenting.  Just don't blow anything up!  Now there was the catch.  Don't blow up the computer.  Good luck!  So anyway, the following (if it works), will be a bit of info about myself and a couple of friends.

Yeah yeah yeah, so this ugly fool to the left is me.  I still don't have a whole lot of damned hair.  I think I probably have a little more poundage too.  Which is not to say that I am the least bit obese...just a wee bit heavier.

Let's not forget about the ever happy toongi...check her page out and don't forget to sign the guest book!  Toongi's page!!!!

Here are a couple of other sites that might interest you too. The Harley page<---cool page!
Or check out this one. For more army stuff than you can shake a stick at check out U.S. Army home page.  You could also check out the Army Knowledge Online page.  For military they offer free e-mail with 50 megs of free storage space.  It also links to many useful military sites.

Believe it or not, this is what I used to do for our U.S. military.  That however was almost a lifetime away it seems.  My career has definitely taken a different turn I guess.  Now I can be found as a fixit man at the local satellite dish.  Not as fun as playing soldier in the sand, but it has it's moments.  Well, to tell you the truth, the new job in AZ in the 40th Signal BN is as a tactical satellite guy and playing in the sand is exactly what they do.

As far as family goes, I have a French wife (Lydia) and a beautiful son (Florentin).Yeah , this really cute guy is "FLO".  What a doll huh?  Got all of his good looks from his mother trust me!  God...What a cute guy.  Guess I didn't do too bad this time!  Hope I am this lucky next time.

Anyway, he is really quite a guy.  Perhaps the one think that really makes me happy all of the time, and he is also the one thing that I am most proud of in my life.  I only hope that I am up to the task of being half of the father that he deserves.  Lord knows I am gonna try.

 Below is a picture taken at Fort Gordon.  Any of you 31S Satcom guys might recognize Vincent Hall's backyard.  Gee what fond memories!  Thanx for the photo Ted.  Sorry I didn't ask first.  Congratulations on the little Ted.  I know you guys are really gonna enjoy parenting.


As far as my interests go, I am fairly simple man.  My musical interests are quite eclectic.  My tastes range from Soundgarden (grunge) to Lynyrd Skynyrd (Classic Rock)... From The Robert Cray Band (Blues) to Andrea Bocelli (Opera/Pop-crossover) .  My two favorite artists are Sarah McLachlan (Pop-vocalist/genius) and Vanessa Mae (Classical violinist child prodigy/Pop crossover genius).  Visit one of the Vanessa Mae homepages  here.  I first heard her work when I was a private in the army.  I had to take my son to the hospital, and while in the waiting room, a Vanessa Mae video played on MTV.  Imagine my surprise...A classical artist on MTV.  She was performing my favorite piece called "Toccata and Fugue in D minor"  What a great interpretation of that song!  It was already an intense piece, but what she did to spice it up was quite amazing.   I was blown away really.

I went on to join the Vanessa Mae fan club.  This is something that I never really would have considered doing before.  I never really thought of myself as a fan of anything before.  Fan being the shortening of the word fanatic, I decided that being a fan was something that I wanted to avoid.  Like I said though, I joined anyway.  This club did have some interesting online discussion at times, but they did prove the fanatic point to me.  The discussion would start off innocent enough, but always reverted to the color of the singer's underwear in a video, or how hot she was during a concert.  Now know this:  She was only 14 or 15 when the first "pop" album was made.  The primary members of this club were well into their mid-life.  Let me just say that I became disgusted pretty quick.  I am no fanatic, and advise anyone else to avoid becoming one over anything.

Aside from my musical tastes and interests my other love is travel.  I want to see and do everything there is to do before I die.  I have lots of time to go before I die, or at least I hope I do.  I have been to Europe on several occasions and my favorite place to visit there has to be Annecy, France (my wife's home-town).  What a beautiful part of the world.  I fell in love with the beautiful area, the people, the cheese, and of course the wine.  Heaven on earth I think. Go to Annecy!

I have also spent time in South Korea and a little time in Singapore in Asia.  Korea certainly isn't my first choice of vacation spots, but there are some really beautiful and interesting places to visit there.  Singapore was really beautiful, especially compared to Korea.  I may find myself back there again some day.

For more pictures, just click  My pictures page!

BOSNIA PHOTOS <====The latest happenings in my life!

For thoughts and quotes from one of the most influential people in my  life click the picture!

Well, that's me in a nutshell.  Hope you enjoyed the small trip through my life.  I hope to learn more about this computer thing and update this thing every once in a while.  Thanks for visiting.

Harley Davidson
 Army Homepage
 Vanessa Mae Homepage
Ron's Bosnia Pages
Einstein's Quotes Page
Ron's picture page #1
Ron's picture page #2

Are You HOT or NOT?