Hmm now at this point of time, I am cracking my heads on what to write about myself for my first very own web site. Before I begin I will like to say thank very much to a good friend of mine who is happen to be the creator for this web site. Without his help, I don’t think you gals and guys will be able to view all these nice and fun stuff about me. J ([Feel embarrassing] everyone should know that I am not a person who is great in computer therefore when it comes to having your own web sites. It is a very complex issue therefore sincerely hope that everyone don’t expect too much from me when it comes to such a complex task.) Ok back to the first topic….
I would like to introduce the creator of my web site… (Drum rolling) Mr. Juan S. Hey Juan, I would like to that this chance to say thank you to you for all your help and of course to introduce you to some of my friend. Anyway the other person that I would like to thanks is my Daddy Ivan…Well I think most of your gals and guys should know about my Daddy. Hi Daddy would like to take this chance to thank you for all the support that you have given to me for these few years.
Would also like to take this chance to thanks all my friends that I have know for all their support and etc. Sincerely hope that our friendship will last forever.
Words of encouragement
When it comes to friendship do believe that you can make friends all over the world and to keep them by your side as long as you can even you have never meet him or her. Such cases do happen just like me with Juan, Daddy and another brother of mine who is Thomas. We have never met each other before but the friendship that we share over the net it close and deep. I have known them for more than 2 years or longer. Therefore one thing to keep friendship alive is to be Honest, Sincere, Trust and Open about it.
PS: sorry I can’t name all my friends’ name here but please do not think that I have forgotten about you. Like Angelo, Gary, John, Albert and so on…Thank you very much for everything and to be willing to become my friend.
Your Sincerely
Joween Chan
Hui See