Welcome to Bonnie's Cathedral

Hi there and
welcome to Bonnie's Cathedral!

Hi my friends, welcome to my homepage.
My name is Bonnie Rexeús,
but most of you know me as P®ÏNÇʧ§ §aavik.
I was born on January 14
(for you astrologers it makes me a Capricorn).
I am 5'6", and 1,68 CM in European tall
and have black hair and hazel green eyes.
I have hopes to be a Veterinarian one day.
For those of you who wonder
I am just as crazy in real life as I am on the net. ;)
As you can see my favorite colors
are purple and blue and I love Taz.

This is me!

My hobbies are pretty extensive.
I like to fish (sport), hike, movies, camp, dance and sing
(around the house mostly), play jokes on family and friends,
tell and hear good jokes, (got any good ones?),
talking on the
phone, and most obvious...chat on the internet.
I also go out with family and friends.

As for music I like all kinds from Classical to Rave.
Although I must admit that it is usually
country, rock, or rave on my radio.
I also play an extensive amount of instruments,
my favorite is the clarinet.
I can also play the bells, drums,
piano, saxophone, and many more.
I also love to watch Star Trek
and I am in a Star Trek club
where I am meeting alot of cool people.
I like to watch sports and
I do have a favorite hockeyteam MIF REDHAWKS

This is my family.
My son Kevin is 7 years old.
He loves anything to do with firemen.
He likes to wrestle, play ball, and climb on things.
He was born October 21 (making him a Libra)

My daughter Ashley . She is only 6 years old,
however with the way she talks you would swear she is eighteen.
She is a regular mother hen and loves to play with her babies.
She was born on February 13(making her an Aquarious

I love my children very much
and I wouldn't give them up for the world.
I do joke though by asking everyone if
they want a free kid (do you? hehehe).
By the way, they do keep me running.
It's good exercise I guess. LOL!!

This is my good friend who might as well be a sister Kathy,
she is 31 years old, better known as mesmile.
She was born on July 23 (making her a Cancer).
I love her to death.

My husband Rex.
I met Rex thru A good chat program on the 26 of August of 1997.
When Rex added me =)

His name is Stefan, although he likes to be called Rex.
He means the world to me, and he was born
on December 29 (which makes him a Capricorn).
He is from Sweden, and I now live there with Rex.
He is a commercial printer.
Rex has three kids. Max, Miriam and Theo,
you can read about them below.
On the 26th of Sept 1998 at 15:20 CET we got married,
here in Rådhuset, Helsingborg, Sweden.
And we are now husband and wife, for eternity.
And yes you will all be invited,
to the wedding that we are going to have in Texas too!

This is Theo,
he is 4 years old
he was born on November 24, (making him a Sagitarius).
He is really affectionate, loves to have stories read to him.
And he loves to play Super Mario =).

This is Max and Miriam,
Max is 12 years old, and loves to play fotboll (soccer),
and play computer games, which he is REALLY good at.
Max was also born on December 29 (making him a Capricorn as well.),
Miriam, is 9 years old and loves to play with dolls,
and to ride horses, and she is going to teach me
to ride them too some day really soon.
She also draws very well.
Miriam was born on November 2 (making her a Scorpio).

Please visit our chatroom here: Our own chatroom

My love for animals shows in my house.
We have five hamsters, a mouse,
and many many fish which have the names of my internet family.
We also have a dog, her name is Nala.
Yes, the name is from The Lion King,
what can I say my kids named her.

A shout out to my internet family!

Rex, Aafke, AngelGrl, antoinette, Amanda, Becky, Beth ann,
Bobbie, Brandi, Bree, CajunGrl, Cami, Chola, Chrissie,
Cowlovergirl, Cole, Cube, Daph, DaQueen, Deb, Diablo,
Diva, Eikel, Elisa, Eowyn, FiestyFemmes, Flea, GLAD*DAD..G*D..,
Heather, Jade, Janne & Pisamai, Jeneva, Jennifer & Lars,
Jiinx, Keli, Lacey, Lana, Lily, Natalie (pezgrl),
Noodles and Bea, Princess ~^~G l i t t e r~^~,
Rachel (congrats on the daughter!), Roxxi,
SexySunshine, Sharon, Sinned, SweetThing,
Tammy, T-bear & Bobby, Tristessa, Whitewolf, Wycowboy,

Also a BIG shout out to
all my old andnew ICQ friends!

A special hello to my sis Terri and her family... I love you sis!

A very Special Greeting To Rex my hubby....Jag älskar dig förevigt......
and to all I missed I love you guys!!!!!!!

* Bonnie and Rex wishes you much happiness *
* We love to meet new interesting people,
so let us chat sometime! *

Bonnie is Icq # 76697900
Rex is Icq # 76363030

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And last but not least a special thanks to ®ëX & GLAD*DAD,
for if it wasn't for them this cool page wouldn't exist.

Also a special congrats to Cactus Witch and GeekoMan.
I and my family wish you the best of luck.
Please also visit my husbands homepage

(Special thanks to Natalie (pezgrl)
for doing this wonderful piece of artwork!)

See our nice family homepage

Thank you my Secret Sister For this wonderful gift.

A Big hello to all my new sisters on the net here..

Thankyou Lady Jasmine for making this for us.

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owned by Saavik
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