*Stacey's Web World*
Here's my little corner of cyberspace.  It's kinda dark and dusty, but cozy.
*click on the icon next to the description
About Me



The Great Harry Potter Paper!


Gaelic Storm: My favorite band!  Check out their schedule and find a concert near you!

St. Olaf Band: A group I'm a bit partial to, for obvious reasons :-)

FluteNet: Yahoo group devoted to the best instrument in the world--the flute!  A great resource.

Pearl Flutes: My weapon of choice.

Chiff and Fipple: A great web resource for all things related to the tin whistle.  They've got a sense of humor, too.

Wandering Whistler Music Archives: A huge archive of traditional Celtic tunes, arranged by name and type.

Movies and Literature:

The Life and Work of John Keats: A fabulous site with biographical information, poems, and images related to my favorite poet.

Are you a Literature Abuser? Find out here!

The One Ring: An extensive site for fans of the Lord of the Rings movies and books.

The Leaky Cauldron: THE news and information source for Harry Potter fanatics.

MuggleNet: My home away from home on the net.


rathergood.com: Funny cartoons and original songs.  So weird and random that you can't help laughing.

FoxTrot: My favorite comic strip.