POETRY   WEBRING& Link to Christian Poems List

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Jesus Christ... The Answer

Col Castree

Hi there, I'm Col Castree I am a Fireman who writes poetry.  Countless people have said that it's a strange combination.
I don't know why... as we see a lot of different aspects to life, death, suffering, etc.  Besides that we live a (near) normal life.  It so happens that my main love is writing Christian poetry - if you are a Christian you may get a deeper meaning  from my works.  If your not a Christian there are plenty of poems of love, family, nature, Aussie bush poems, etc.  You might even enjoy the Christian poems too.

These poems are mostly written about my experiences, hurting friends, people in need, family.  I also like to project myself into a persons's circumstance and write how they may feel. 

I hope you enjoy this homepage and you may
E-MAIL me if you do, Thankyou... Col

Links To My Poems

Elisse's Poems

Nature Poems

Aussie Bush Poems

Christian Poems

Love Poems

Girls Girls Girls

In Memory


Other Interests

Family Interests

Car Accidents

Structual Fires


Out of lifes darkness He gently leads
His children of promise - those who heed,
Jesus my Saviour, Lord and my friend
The only salvation on which  to depend...

Please Note:-  All the written marerial on this home page is the property of Colin D Castree.  It is copywright and certificated, this if to prevent piracy.   I am willing to allow people to paste poems etc to their homepages, if credit is given to the author. All material is to be pasted unaltered. I would like a link to this home page  as follows:-
" Poems written by
Colin D Castreeused with permission".

Was it God nailed to the tree...
Would His death  encapsulate me?
Did His blood my sin atone?
Did God build my heavenly home?

Jesus died once for all
He died for you, did you hear His call?
His blood has washed the sinner free
The wonder ! Yes, Jesus even washed me

Jesus... there is no sweeter name
Through His love no hate remains,
Jesus died that I might live
Teaching this wretched "me" to forgive.

He took my sin my every deed
Upon Himself and set me free,
To live, yes live in victorious ways
Telling others till my end of days.

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