Welcome to the site devoted to:
First of all:  do you even know what a Poulet Bete is?  You don't?  It's a french phrase that means literally "Chicken Dumb" but of course we translate it to "Stupid Chicken."  That's my nickname.  How did I get such a bizarre nick name?  Well- that's another story.  So for now, just accept that I have an odd nickname, ok?  Thanks!
French Stuff
Have you ever been in a tough spot and someone says "C'est la vie?"  Have you ever wondered what it meant?  Or how about that Southern Louisiana town Baton Rouge?  Have you ever visited the department store Maison Blanche?  Have you ever experienced deja vu? Or had a rendez-vous?  And do you remember that awesome hit Lady Marmalade in which the singers say "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"  Finally, I can help you discover the reality behind the mystery.
To find out what these and others mean
Like this page? Know something you'd like to see here? Email me at:
Christmas 1999
Le Poulet Bete
High School Graduation

Hi.  Welcome to my pages.  I've got some new stuff down towards the bottom.
---le poulet bete
Me Me Me
French songs we all know and love, but have no clue what they mean
My Picture Pages
The spanish pages (and I don't even speak spanish!)
Click Here to go to my Poetry Page!
My Other Pages
Up & Coming
Coming Soon!
More Acting Info & Pics
More Poetry
NEW!!  Click Here to see my acting page.
